Protecting Assets Before Marriage


Assets acquired before marriage are generally considered separate property in South Carolina. A prenuptial agreement can offer additional protection. Consult a family law attorney for personalized advice.

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My girlfriends daughter was in a car accident, with * other girls in car. One girl got a lawyer and is trying to sue and the other is planning to. The accident was in sept *. How long should we wait to get married so my assets are safe?
While I can't provide personalized legal advice, I can tell you generally that:
- Assets obtained before marriage are usually considered separate property.
- Laws depend on the location, can you please share your location?
- You might want to consider a prenuptial agreement to protect your assets.
South carolina
In South Carolina:
- Assets acquired before marriage are typically considered separate property.
- A prenuptial agreement can further protect these assets.
- You might want to consult with a family law attorney for personalized advice.
Great, ****! If you need further legal information, feel free to ask. Remember, consulting with a family law attorney in your location might give you a more personalized and comprehensive understanding.