Cps Rights Violation Minnesota


CPS can intervene if a childs safety is perceived to be threatened. You have the right to legal representation in court. Consider seeking legal advice to understand your rights better. Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota might be able to assist.

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I feel cps violated my rights and i want them to be help accountable
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To better assist you, could you please provide more details about the incident and also your location? Different jurisdictions may have different regulations regarding Child Protective Services.
Koochiching county minnesota. Cps came to my door because i messaged my therapist asking for help to get a away from an abousove relationship . She called cps casue she didnt know how to help. When they cam to my door i agreed to send my daughter to saty with her grandpa and even though she was apit of harms way there they filed for emergency removal from my house and giving her grandpa tempory custodya
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Minnesota:
- CPS has the right to intervene if they perceive a child's safety is threatened.
- You have the right to legal representation in court.
You may want to consider getting legal advice to understand your rights better. Legal Aid Service of Northeastern Minnesota might be able to assist.