Mother Filing Disobedience Charge


In most jurisdictions, a parent cannot file a disobedience charge against their child. However, they can seek help through family or juvenile court for issues like unruly behavior or delinquency. Laws vary by location. Law enforcement officers may charge minors with minor offenses such as disobedience or disorderly conduct, depending on the jurisdiction.

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can a mother file a disobedience charge on her child
In most jurisdictions, a parent cannot file a "disobedience charge" against their child. However, they can seek help through family court or juvenile court for issues such as unruly behavior or delinquency. Laws vary based on location, so it would be helpful to know where you're located.
can a officer charge a disobedience charge on a child
In many jurisdictions, it can be possible for a law enforcement officer to charge a minor with a minor offense such as "disobedience" or "disorderly conduct". However, this varies widely based on location. Could you please specify your location?