Eviction Rights In Indianapolis


If your name is on the deed or lease, your ex-husband cannot legally evict you without a court order. If not, he must give a 30-day notice. Verbal abuse may qualify as domestic violence, offering legal protection. If police are involved, you may be asked to leave if the house is in his name, but being allowed back typically means youre not trespassing. Seek legal advice for specific guidance.

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In Indianapolis:
- If your name is on the deed/lease, eviction requires a court order.
- If not, you're considered a "tenant at will." He must give a *-day notice.
- Verbal abuse could qualify as domestic violence. Legal protection may be available.
Reach out to a local attorney or domestic violence hotline for guidance.
What if he had the police come and they made him tell ‘em I cannot trespasss but he allowed me back the very next day. What happens when he gets mad again
If he calls the police again, they may ask you to leave if the house is in his name. However, if you're a victim of domestic abuse, you may qualify for a protective order. Contact a local shelter or hotline for advice.
Would I be considered trespassing?
In Indianapolis, if you've been allowed back, you're not typically considered trespassing. However, if he asks you to leave and you refuse, it could potentially be considered trespassing. Seek legal advice for your specific case.