Petition Grandchildren Visitation Rights


To petition for visitation rights with grandchildren in foster care in Douglas County, WI, you need to file a motion for visitation rights. Confirm the specific form with the Douglas County Court. Due to the complexities of CHIPS cases, consulting a family law attorney is advisable. If legal fees are a concern, consider reaching out to legal aid societies in Wisconsin for free or low-cost assistance.

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I need to petition the court in Douglas county WI for contact and visits with my * grandchildren in foster care. Cos won't even talk to mr
Hello ****, I understand your situation. You may file a motion for visitation rights. Here are the steps:
- Prepare a motion form
- Include a detailed plan for visitation
- Submit the motion to Douglas County Court.
Remember, the court's primary concern is the children's best interest.
What form do I need
You might need a form titled "Petition for Visitation Rights". Please confirm it with the Douglas County Court in Wisconsin. Their website likely has the exact forms available for download.
I went to the clerk of courts they Sent me too probate who told me there is no such form and I need to see a lawyer because of the chips etition
Hello ****, I understand the confusion. In Wisconsin, the CHIPS (Children in Need of Protection or Services) case involves legal complexities. You should consult with a family law attorney. They can guide you on the appropriate legal paperwork to file for your situation.
They want $* just to talk to me I don't have that
I understand your situation, ****. You could try reaching out to legal aid societies in Wisconsin. They provide free or low-cost legal assistance to those who qualify. Some even have specific programs for grandparents seeking visitation rights.