Changing Legal Representation


Changing attorneys is your right if dissatisfied, but it can have both positive and negative impacts. Benefits include potentially better representation, while drawbacks may involve delays, increased costs, and possible contract breaches. In Arkansas, you can change attorneys, but ensure you secure new representation before terminating the current one, especially if relying on Legal Aid. Visitation guidelines are court-ordered and typically remain unaffected, though delays may occur. Judges generally understand attorney changes if handled professionally.

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Help or hurt my case?
Changing attorneys can both help and hurt your case. It can help if your new attorney is more competent and dedicated, but can hurt due to:
- Potential delay in proceedings
- Increased cost
- Possible breach of contract implications
Where are you located for more specific advice?
Arkansas pulaski county
Thank you for sharing your location. In Arkansas, you have the right to change your legal representation at any point. However, please bear in mind the potential consequences I have mentioned before making a decision.
I dont have income so im trying to go through legal aid to get new attorney. How will this effect the visitation guidelines that are in place now?
Changing attorneys shouldn't directly affect your visitation guidelines. These are typically based on court orders and can only be modified by a court. However, delays might occur in processing changes due to attorney switch. It's essential to communicate this with Legal Aid in Arkansas.
They will not speak woth
I understand your concern. Could you please clarify who "they" are? Are you referring to Legal Aid or someone else?
With me once tbey know i already have an attorney! Im getting no where with lefal
I see. Legal Aid may not take your case if you already have a lawyer. It's best to formally end your relationship with your current attorney before seeking their help. This step needs to be done carefully to avoid any complications.
Legal aid
It seems you're having trouble communicating with Legal Aid because you already have an attorney. In this case, it might be beneficial to formally terminate your current attorney before seeking help from Legal Aid. Have you considered this step?
Yes but i dont want to fire my current attorney if im not able to get a new attorney through legal aid! Then i wont have ANY representation!
I understand your concern. If you choose to fire your current attorney, it's best to secure a new one before doing so. Legal Aid in Arkansas may help, but it's not guaranteed. Discussing your situation with them beforehand could be beneficial.
Ive tried,but notbeen sucessful with finding anyone at legal aid thats willing to talk to me once they discover i have a current attorney
I understand your predicament. It's a delicate situation. Perhaps you could try discussing your concerns with your current attorney first. If that doesn't work, you might want to consider speaking with a lawyer referral service or a pro bono program.
How long is the process to fire current attorney and getnew one usually?
The process length varies:
- Writing and sending termination letter to current attorney: immediate
- Hiring a new attorney: can vary based on availability and complexity of case
- Transfer of case files: *-* weeks
- New attorney's understanding of case: varies based on case complexity
Please proceed carefully.
Thank you
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck with your situation.
You're welcome! If you need any further assistance in the future, don't hesitate to contact us. Best of luck with your situation!
Does firing your current paid attorney look bad to the judge?
No, judges generally understand that sometimes the attorney-client relationship doesn't work out. However, it's important to be professional and respectful when explaining the reason for the change to the court.