Child Support Termination Process


The user, a non-custodial parent residing in Wisconsin, is seeking advice on terminating or modifying child support due to mental health issues and financial instability. The child support case was initially started in Ohio, then transferred to New York where the children currently reside. The user has been diagnosed with ADHD, bipolar 2, and generalized anxiety, which have led to job instability and difficulty in maintaining a stable lifestyle. The user is currently on medication and in therapy. The user has also expressed concerns about the potential impact of termination on the children and their custodial guardians. The user is considering seeking legal representation in New York to navigate the process.

Full Conversation

I live in wisconsin, child support started in ohio, then transferred to new york. Ohio still collects child support for new york. I need to know where, what state i need to goto to either file support modification or termination of rights.
What is the current state of residence of the child for whom the support is being provided?
Kids live in new york, support goes through ohio. Case was transferred to new york, but ohio collects
To modify or terminate child support, you generally need to file in the child's home state. In your case, it would be New York.
What qualifies for mental health termination?
To qualify for mental health termination of parental rights in Wisconsin, the parent must be unable to care for the child due to mental illness.
What about new york?
In New York, termination of parental rights can occur if a parent is mentally ill and unable to provide proper care for the child.
Would adhd, bipolar * and generalized anxiety on top of * plus jobs since * qualify for new york termination?
What is the impact of your mental health conditions and job instability on your ability to care for your child?

In New York:
- Parental rights can be terminated if a parent is mentally ill and unable to provide proper care.
- Job instability alone may not qualify.
Adhd and anxiety causes me to freak out mentally and job hop..i have an issue dealing with society as a whole and dont trust being around people in general population, and no matter if i enjoy a job will up and quit, walk off job, even though i try my mind will completely impulsively make me leave them. I go to next job hoping things will change, but it repeats.
Have you sought professional mental health assistance to manage your conditions? It's important to note that termination of parental rights is a serious matter and courts consider the best interest of the child.
I have. Im in therapy, and see a psychiatrist, thats how i found out i am adhd..i have multiple years dating back from *-* of mebtal health issues that also caused homelessness twice in the past. Still face it today if one thing goes wrong.
Have you discussed your situation with your psychiatrist and therapist, and do they support your decision to terminate parental rights?
My therapist does, havent discussed with psychiatrist yet, he doesnt know me well enough. He did give me a medical exemption this month for mental health. My therapist understands that im an unfit person to be a parent, and from childhood to adult trauma, i lack coping skills and skills to be a responsible adult, since there are periods of times no one helped me learn the skills and if they did, i would forget due to my mental issues that were not adressed as a child to young adult.
What steps have you taken to address your mental health issues and improve your coping skills?
I am on medication for adhd and bipolar *. I still have generalized anxiety and feel on constant edge and defense mode when out in public. I tense up if people even say hi..and want left alone in solitude.
Have you considered seeking legal representation to help you navigate the process of terminating parental rights in New York?
I have tried contacting new york legal aide for syracuse area. Havent gotten ahold of anyone. Left a call back number, but no call backs yet
Have you tried reaching out to any other legal aid services in New York? The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York might be able to help. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
If i filed, and the courts approved, how would that affect the kids with the custodial guardian? I am the non custodial mother. He custodial is my mom and step dad
What is the current relationship between your children and their custodial guardians?
Like my relationship with them?
Yes, how is your relationship with your children's custodial guardians, your mom and step dad?
Pretty much abandoned them by the laws eyes. Was put on strict restrictions. Had no visitation since *, that was the last time i physically yalked to the kids. Occasionally my mom will give me school, and medical updates, or cirricular activities. We won't talk about child support or termination, or adoption, because she gets upset with me. I am considered the distant aunt. We dont have a good relationship, they want me to be responsible and improve to gain their trust back, but im aware of the reality that that isn't possible with my mental health issues in the way, and all the impulse behavior i done in the past caused a lot of chaos that affected the relationships of everyone. I still have impulse behavior even when on medication. Medication helps the instant moodswings that cause me to act hysterical, but doesn't solve the impulse job, hopping, money gone instantly, and paranoia that put me onto panic episodes.
Have you considered discussing your situation with your children's custodial guardians and seeking their support in the termination process?
I would like to, but I'm scared it will lead to an arguement, since i have communication problems expressing myself without causing arguements. And doing this behind their knowledge also scares me that they will forever hate me more than they do now.
Have you considered involving a mediator or a third party to facilitate the conversation with your children's custodial guardians?
What would qualify as a mediator?
A mediator is a neutral third party who facilitates communication between parties in dispute. They can be a lawyer, social worker, or any professional trained in conflict resolution.
I could try for pro bono lawyer. Do i need a new york one, if i live in wisconsin..since they would deal with child support and possible termination?
Yes, you would need a New York lawyer as they would be familiar with the state's laws regarding child support and termination of parental rights.
Now....if all is approved by courts and i filed how would it affect the kids and custodial guardian? I read up they would be open for adoption..but they jave custodial parents is there a way to keep them with the custodial?
What is the legal status of the custodial guardians? Are they legal guardians or foster parents? In general, termination of parental rights doesn't automatically lead to adoption. The children can stay with their current custodial guardians if it's in their best interest.
I believe permanent custodial guardians
What is the age of your children? In New York, if parental rights are terminated, the custodial guardians can adopt the children if they are under *.
Under *, i cant remember their ages. Born * and other born * They both have disabilities. One is high end autistic and other is getting genetic testing at the moment. They wont leave the custodial's home will they if i terminated?
In New York, if parental rights are terminated, the children usually remain with their current custodial guardians, especially if they have special needs.
Can custodial parent terminate my rights for my mental health, lack of visitations
In New York, a custodial parent can petition for termination of parental rights due to mental illness if it's proven that it negatively affects the child's welfare. Lack of visitation can also be a factor.
Can you explain the welfare aspect better, what would qualify in mental health that affects it?
In New York, a parent's mental health can affect child welfare if it prevents them from providing a safe, stable environment. This includes inability to meet the child's basic needs or causing emotional harm.
What options do i have to protect myself since i am now on medical exemption and cant pay child support. If custodial doesnt agree with terminating it themselves?
Have you considered filing a modification of child support order due to your change in financial circumstances? In New York, you can request a modification if there's a substantial change in circumstances.
Can they opt for *$ a month? If so i cant pay. I dont work due to hings i mentioned before
In New York, child support modification can potentially reduce the amount to $* if you can prove a significant change in circumstances, such as job loss or medical issues.
How does medical exemption work with child support?
In New York, a medical exemption may be considered a significant change in circumstances, potentially leading to a modification of child support. However, it's crucial to consult with a legal professional.
If i got married, is there a way to protect my husband from having to pay my support?
In Wisconsin, a new spouse's income is generally not considered in child support calculations. However, it's important to consult with a legal professional for specific advice.
Even if child support is from new york?
In New York, a new spouse's income is also generally not considered in child support calculations. However, it's always best to consult with a legal professional.
Which state would he need to talk to a lawyer? Wisconsin or new york to protect himself
Your husband should consult with a lawyer in the state where the child support order was issued, which is New York in your case.
It was originally issued in ohio, bit transferred. So does he still need to do seek lawyer in new york?
Yes, since the case was transferred to New York, your husband should seek a lawyer in New York. They would be familiar with the state's laws regarding child support.
Will the custodial guardians be notified if i talk to a lawyer looking for options for myself before i file for termination or modification?
No, consultations with a lawyer are confidential. The custodial guardians won't be notified unless you choose to inform them or legal action is initiated.
Like after finding a lawyer..but before actually filing
What specific concerns do you have about the process after finding a lawyer but before filing for termination or modification?
What qualifies for mental health termination, sorry for asking again
In New York, mental health termination of parental rights can occur if a parent is mentally ill and unable to provide proper care for the child. This includes inability to meet the child's basic needs or causing emotional harm.
24k in back child support, how can i protect myself from prison/jail since i cant pat due to mental health and medical exemption?
Have you considered filing a modification of your child support order due to your change in financial circumstances? This could potentially reduce your payments.
I cant pay any modification, since i dont work due to mental health
Have you informed the court about your inability to pay due to your mental health condition and current unemployment status?
No been scared they will issue an arrest after explaining it to them. Courts would be the new york one right? Where kids reside
Yes, you should contact the New York court where the case was transferred. It's important to communicate your situation to avoid potential legal consequences. The contact details are: New York State Unified Court System, Phone: (*) *-*.
Do you have number for court in syracuse, camillus area?
The contact details for the Onondaga County Family Court in Syracuse, New York are:
Address: * Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY *
Phone: (*) *-*
Please reach out to them for your case.
Does this include camillus ny
Does the court in Syracuse include the camillus, ny area too?
Yes, the Onondaga County Family Court in Syracuse, NY covers the Camillus area. You can contact them at: * Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY *, Phone: (*) *-*.
Any other additional information i should know before contacting courts and a lawyer about termination or modification of child support?
Before contacting the court or a lawyer, it's important to gather all relevant documents such as your medical records, proof of income, and any communication with the custodial guardians. This will help your case.
What if you lost past communocation records from facebook?
If you've lost past communication records from Facebook, you can try to recover them by requesting a copy of your Facebook data. However, deleted messages may not be recoverable.
So just current ones to show how many times we been in contact through out the years
Yes, any recent communication records would be helpful. Have you kept any other forms of communication like emails or text messages?
I have text messages on this phone, but will have to look at old phone for any others missed. I lost quite a bit of messages from that too. Especially my mental break downs where i couldnt comprehend what was going on, and lashed out verbally to the custodial guardian
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition by a healthcare professional? This could be crucial in your case.
Yes bipolar *, adhd and generalized anxiety. I never lashed out verbally to the kids but due to mood swings and not understanding anything i was being told in the past i would get angry and frustrated and argue with them, then forget details of arguments we had, and forgot what my restrictions are that are in place.
Have you ever been involved in any legal proceedings related to your mental health conditions?
Back in kentucky when i lost the kids to social services, my defender got angry and told me i was witholding information from her, but i couldnt understand what she was talking about, during court couldn't comprehend what was going on, just know i lost them. I blank/zone out under adhd, high stress and anxiety. I just know i lost them and mom and stepdad got guardianship and got him out of fostercare system and approved by cps. My lawyer at the time told me to get my mental health checked out. That was when the first rounds of diagnosis came
Have you been able to maintain consistent treatment for your mental health conditions since your diagnosis?
Its been off and on throughout the years...i would get it, something would move to another state, lose a job or lose insurance/ off meds for a few years, then try again, repeat cycle. This was from * to now. Right now im on badgercare and on treatment again. Diagnosis would change from place to place..with new mental health doctors.
Have you discussed your current mental health treatment and its impact on your ability to fulfill your parental responsibilities with your current mental health professionals?
With therapist yes, i dont know how to bring it up and word it right to my psychiatrist for him to understand what im trying to convey
Have you considered writing down your thoughts and concerns before your appointment with your psychiatrist? This might help you express your feelings more clearly.
I just recently started journaling, i dont know how long that will last with my adhd. Should i wait on the court stuff until psychiatric evaluation is done? I got diagnosed adhd and medication before the evaluation
It might be beneficial to wait until your psychiatric evaluation is complete. This could provide additional evidence for your case. However, you should consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
I put in a release of info from kentucky to send to my current therapy office, will that be extra helpful?
Yes, having your medical records from Kentucky could provide additional evidence about your mental health history, which could be beneficial for your case.
How do i ontain proof of no income when i have no job?
You can obtain proof of no income by requesting a statement from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They can provide documentation showing no income or employment history.
Fset doesnt qualify as income does it?
In Wisconsin, FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) benefits are not typically considered as income for child support calculations. However, it's best to consult with a legal professional for specific advice.
Can i goto my foodstamps office and obtain proof of no income from my documents? They should also have my medical exemption on file that i cant work
Yes, you can request a proof of no income from your local FoodShare office in Wisconsin. They should have your income details and medical exemption on file.
Will they be able to give me a copy?
Yes, your local FoodShare office should be able to provide you with a copy of your income details and medical exemption.
Anything else i need for the lawyers before filing termination or modification
Anything else i need before gettingg a lawyer and filing termination rights or modification of child support
You should also consider gathering any relevant communication with the custodial guardians and any documentation related to your children's needs and care.
What documents are related to childs needs and care?
Documents related to a child's needs and care could include medical records, school records, therapy or counseling records, and any other documents that provide information about the child's well-being and needs.
What if custodial parent wont share the records since im on tight restrictions?
What if custodiL parent won't share the necessary child care needs documents, since i am on tight restrictions issued by the court
Have you tried requesting these documents directly from the source, such as the school or healthcare provider? They may be able to provide them to you directly.
I do not know the schools or the doctors they goto. Just the one for one kid's genetic testing. Dont know therapist. Nothing is mentioned to me. Custodial parent says i am not the parent anymore. There is a possibility my rights were terminated fir abandonment, but they still issued child support
I am custodial parent with tight restrictions from the court, i am not sure i am allowed to request for those documents based on severe restrictions i was told i had from custodial parents. They said i am not the parent anymore
Have you received any official court documents stating that your parental rights have been terminated?
I am not sure. I have a hard tome understanding documents and what they mean
I am not sure, i cant comprehend legal documents
I do not know!
I am unsure
Not that im aware of
I am not sure if i recieve documentation on termination of parental rights
No i have not received documents of terminated rights
I am custodial parent with tight restrictions from the court, i am not sure i am allowed to request for those documents based on severe restrictions i was told i had from custodial parents. They said i am not the parent anymore
Have you received any official court documents stating that your parental rights have been terminated?
For terminated rights documentation, i am not sure if i have recieved them or not
How do you get records of child support cases for ny if you live in Wisconsin
How do you get documentation of child support records in ny
How do i obtain child support case records
How do i obtain the children's medical and school records if they are not provided to me, or not sure if im allowed to have them?
Are you the legal guardian or do you have any custodial rights over the children?

In Wisconsin, both parents generally have the right to access their children's school and medical records.
I am non custodial with severe restrictions on my case
What are the specific restrictions on your case? In Wisconsin, non-custodial parents usually have the right to access their children's school and medical records unless court ordered otherwise.
I do not know. Its in new york not wisconsin
What is the nature of your case in New York?
I do not know the nature of the case
Could you please provide more details about your case? This will help us to give you more accurate information.
I already have in last chat i had with AI
What is the name of the court in New York where your case is being handled?
* montgomery st. Syracuse ny, * is where my case is
The court at * Montgomery St, Syracuse, NY, * is the Onondaga County Courthouse. Their contact number is (*) *-*. What is your specific legal question regarding your case?
How will i get the case documents beingg from another state?
You can request case documents from the Onondaga County Courthouse by calling them at (*) *-*. They may have a process for out-of-state requests.
What is *-*-* number you provided to me?
I apologize for any confusion, but the number provided earlier was (*) *-*, which is the contact number for the Onondaga County Courthouse in Syracuse, NY.
What number is the other one for?
I'm sorry for any confusion, but I didn't provide the number *-*-*. It might be related to another service or institution.
It was from here, but i exited chat due to sorry, dont understand your question error, so again, what place is that phone number associated to?
I apologize for the confusion. The number *-*-* is associated with the Oneida County Courthouse in Utica, NY.
Does that serve syracuse and camillus area?
The Oneida County Courthouse in Utica, NY primarily serves Oneida County. For Syracuse and Camillus area, you should contact the Onondaga County Courthouse at (*) *-*.