Modify Child Support Order


In Louisiana, you can request a child support modification if theres a significant change in circumstances. You must submit a modification request to the court, which will consider the best interests of the child. Consult a local attorney for guidance.

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Gary hello
Hello Gary, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I have full custody of my son. He’s * a couple years back. I signed the document or letter stating that I wasn’t going to go after my ex-wife for child support but I need it now. Can I legally go back for child support?
Hello Gary, the rules for modifying child support orders can vary by region. Could you please tell me where you're located so I can provide accurate information?
Louisiana in Metairie the parish of Jefferson
Hello Gary,
In Louisiana, you can modify child support if there's a significant change in circumstance.
- You must submit a modification request to the court.
- The court will consider the best interests of the child.
You should consult with a local attorney for help.