Indiana Divorce Property Division


Indiana follows equitable distribution for property division in divorces, considering factors like each spouses contribution and employment status. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice. Free legal aid services in Indiana include Indiana Legal Services, Indianapolis Legal Aid Society, and Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic.

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I live in Indiana, and I want to divorce my wife. The house is in her name only. Is it better to get my name added or leave it in her name only to start?
Hello ****, here are some general pointers regarding property division in Indiana:
- Indiana is an equitable distribution state, not a community property state.
- This means the court will divide property in a manner deemed fair, which may not always be equal.
- The court considers several factors, including each spouse's contribution to the property.
I'd suggest consulting with a local attorney for advice tailored to your situation.
She has not had a job since *
Hello ****, given that your wife has been unemployed since *, the court might consider this when dividing property. It's crucial to discuss this with a lawyer for a better understanding. Would you like me to find some legal aid services in Indiana?
Yes, free ones please
Sure ****, here are a few places that provide free legal aid in Indiana:
*. Indiana Legal Services - They provide free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people.
*. Indianapolis Legal Aid Society - They offer free legal services to those in need.
*. Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic - They offer free and low-cost legal services.
Remember to contact these organizations directly for assistance.