Property Purchase Divorce Guide


In Singapore, property purchasing involves steps like Option to Purchase (OTP), exercising the OTP, and completing the sale. For divorce, assets acquired during the marriage are generally split equally, considering factors like financial contributions, homemaking efforts, and child care. The matrimonial home may be sold, transferred, or kept by one party. Consult a family law attorney for personalized advice.

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Purchase of property
Hello ****, could you please specify your location? The rules for property purchase can vary depending on the country and even the state or province.
Hello ****. In Singapore, property purchasing involves several steps:
- Option to Purchase (OTP)
- Exercise the OTP
- Complete the Sale
Please consult a lawyer or a property agent to guide you throughout the process.
Pursuant to divorce
Hello ****, in Singapore:
- Assets acquired during the marriage are generally split equally.
- The Court considers factors like financial contributions, homemaking efforts, and child care.
- The matrimonial home may be sold, transferred, or kept by one party.
Please seek advice from a family law attorney.