Child Support Overcharge Resolution


Marcus from Mississippi is being overcharged for child support for his three children. He is paying $896 for his oldest daughter, $150 for his son, and $770 for his youngest daughter, totaling $1816 per month. This is significantly higher than the typical 22% of his income for three children in Mississippi. He is also being asked to pay $1920 in back child support for his youngest daughter. He has not received any special court orders that would justify these amounts. He has tried to resolve this issue with the DHS office in Forest, Mississippi, but has not received any assistance. He is considering seeking legal advice to review his child support calculations.

Full Conversation

Im being over charged for child support and the courts don't want to help with lowering it
What state are you located in, ****? Child support laws can vary by state.
What is your monthly income and how many children do you have, ****?

In Mississippi:
- Child support is typically *% of your income for one child.
- Contact details for Mississippi Child Support: *-*-*.
* and *
In Mississippi, child support for three children is typically *% of your income. Are you paying more than this?
Yes way more different amounts for each child
What are the specific amounts you're currently paying for each child?
* for oldest girl * son * for youngest daughter
That seems unusual. Are there any special circumstances or court orders that led to these specific amounts for each child?
What is the total amount of child support you are currently paying per month?
* a month * a month * a month
Based on your income and the number of children, your child support should be around $* per month. Are there any additional court-ordered payments?
For the last one I just got put on child support for her so they saying * back time so * for 12 months with that
Are you being asked to pay the $* in back child support in addition to the monthly $* for the last child?
* back time (*) * a month
Are you currently represented by a lawyer or have you considered seeking legal advice to review your child support calculations?
Don't have the money in the negative now because this is like * a month
Have you tried applying for a modification of your child support order due to financial hardship?
The DHS office in first told me it was nothing I could do the mother's have too
What is the name of the DHS office you visited? In Mississippi, you can request a review of your child support order if it's been 3 years since the last review or if there's been a significant change in circumstances.
It's in forest Mississippi
What is the exact amount you are currently paying in total for child support per month?

In Mississippi, you can request a review of your child support order if there's been a significant change in circumstances. The Forest DHS office contact is (*) *-*.
* it what is changed too they increased my oldest daughter amount
What was the reason given for the increase in your oldest daughter's child support amount?
I am not sure but with two more cases that is crazy
Did the court provide any documentation explaining the increase in child support for your oldest daughter?
I will look but her mother said she would agree to take me off but the forest office said it don't work like that
Did you receive any official documentation from the court regarding the increase in child support for your oldest daughter?
I really need help I received a zero dollar check this morning from work how am I suppose to live then I take care of them
Have you considered filing a complaint with the Mississippi Department of Human Services? They may be able to assist with your child support issue.
Where would that be
The Mississippi Department of Human Services is located at * South Lamar Street, Jackson, MS *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
But the letter came from Yazoo city
What is the content of the letter you received from Yazoo city?
Stating what I would have to pay and that everything was calculated correctly
What is the name of the court or agency that sent the letter from Yazoo City?
Hold let me see
What is the name of the court or agency mentioned in the letter you received from Yazoo City?
Ok it's youngwilliams
What specific issue are you facing with YoungWilliams? They are a child support services provider in Mississippi.
Lowering the amounts I can't live with no money and I take care of my children I have cash app amounts that I have sent to the mother's
Have you formally requested a child support modification from YoungWilliams or the court?
No do I go to forest court to get it
You can request a child support modification at your local county court. In Forest, Mississippi, it's the Scott County Chancery Court. Contact: (*) *-*.
I was told I had to write a letter which I did but haven't heard anything
When did you send the letter? It's important to follow up if you haven't received a response within a reasonable time frame.
Last week
It usually takes a few weeks for the court to process requests. If you don't hear back within a month, consider following up. Scott County Chancery Court: (*) *-*.
Then when in court I asked the attorney where she get her numbers from to get * and she wouldn't answer
What documentation did you provide to the court to support your claim for a lower child support payment?
My check stubs
Did you provide all your check stubs showing your income and expenses to the court?
But on one letter it's * for the youngest then they have a different gross amount for my oldest daughter
Did you clarify this discrepancy with the court or YoungWilliams? It's important to ensure all information is accurate for child support calculations.
With the forest DHS office because the court wasn't trying to hear me
What was the response from the Forest DHS office regarding the discrepancy in the gross amount for your children?
They attorney stated she did her job and it's right but how you got two different amounts I have * kids * different mothers and then I been paying child support for the oldest two
Did you provide the court with evidence of the payments you've been making for your oldest two children?
They wouldn't allow it told me to take it to DHS office but they haven't been any help and I'm suffering because they said it would be 45 days before the change but it took effect on Sept *
Did you provide the DHS office with evidence of the payments you've been making for your oldest two children?
So what should I be paying for * children in Mississippi that I already help take care of so I am really not absent because they even stay with me on weekends and during the week sometimes
What is your current gross income? This is important as child support in Mississippi is typically calculated as a percentage of the non-custodial parent's adjusted gross income.
What is the gross income amount that was used to calculate your current child support payments?
* for the youngest
What is the gross income amount used to calculate the child support for your other two children?
* I believe
What is the gross income amount used to calculate the child support for your oldest child?
* for the oldest * and * for the youngest
What was the reason given for the difference in gross income used to calculate the child support for your oldest two children and your youngest child?
But I don't think they considered taxes or any of that
Did you provide the court with your tax returns or any other proof of your actual income after taxes?
No the attorney was being rude and said her stuff was correct
Did you consider filing a complaint against the attorney for unprofessional behavior?
In the process
What is the name of the attorney you're filing a complaint against?
I will have to check
What is the name of the court where your child support case is being handled?
So do I need to go to Yazoo or Jackson
Based on your case, it would be best to go to the court where your child support case is being handled. Can you confirm if it's in Yazoo or Jackson?
Scott county
What is the specific issue you are currently facing with your child support case in Scott County?
I need a decrease if I am being * a month what an I going to do for support
Have you considered consulting with a family law attorney to help you navigate the child support modification process?
Have you considered applying for a child support modification due to a change in your financial circumstances?
But I will check today
What is the change in your financial circumstances that you believe warrants a modification in your child support payments?
Where do I file support modifications at
You can file for a child support modification at your local county court. In your case, it would be the Scott County Chancery Court in Forest, Mississippi. Contact: (*) *-*.
So for three children should I be paying different amounts
In Mississippi, child support is generally calculated as a percentage of the non-custodial parent's adjusted gross income. The percentage increases with the number of children. Have you used the Mississippi Child Support Calculator for an estimate?
I tried it I was getting like * a month and it's should be split right
In Mississippi, child support is typically split proportionally based on each parent's income. Did you include both your income and the other parent's income in the calculator?
No the court is only using my income
Did you provide the court with the income details of the other parent(s)?
Did you have the income details of the other parent(s) at the time of the court hearing?
Did you try to obtain the income details of the other parent(s) for the court hearing?
But my oldest mom is willing to take me off is that possible
Can you clarify what you mean by "my oldest mom is willing to take me off"? Are you referring to removing your obligation to pay child support?
She wants to remove me
Are you saying that the mother of your oldest child wants to terminate your child support obligations?
What steps have you taken so far to terminate your child support obligations for your oldest child?
The child support office is giving a run around they said we would have to show proof that we are married or living together is the only way she could do it
What proof have you provided to the child support office to show that you and the mother of your oldest child are living together or married?
We are not married
What proof have you provided to show that you and the mother of your oldest child are living together?
So we have to live together for her to terminate it
Are you and the mother of your oldest child willing to live together to terminate the child support?
In Mississippi, child support can be terminated if both parents agree and the court approves. Have you considered filing a joint petition for termination of child support?
Ok so file a joint petition would forest office have this
Yes, you can file a joint petition at your local county court. In Forest, Mississippi, it's the Scott County Chancery Court. Contact: (*) *-*.
What's the Jackson information again
The Jackson County Chancery Court in Mississippi can be reached at (*) *-*. It's located at * Magnolia St, Pascagoula, MS *.
Because they are taking weekly from my check all of it I received a zero balance today I can't live like this
What steps have you taken to address this issue with your employer's payroll department?
I didn't know I could
Did you discuss this issue with your employer or the payroll department? They might be able to provide some insight into the deductions from your paycheck.
Yes they say all they know is it's being taken for child support
Did you provide your employer with any court documents indicating the amount that should be deducted for child support?
It adds up to the * can
What is the total amount that is being deducted from your paycheck each week for child support?
* all of it you can say
What is the frequency of your paychecks? Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly?
What is the total amount of your weekly paycheck before the child support deduction?
Like * something and that's with overtime
What is the total amount of overtime included in your weekly paycheck?
* hours
What is your hourly wage for both regular and overtime hours?
I have to check
What is the total amount of your regular hours worked each week?
What is the hourly rate for your regular and overtime work?
What is the hourly rate for your overtime work?
Time in a half
What is the total amount of your weekly paycheck after the child support deduction?
Today negative
What is the total amount of your weekly paycheck before the child support deduction?
What is the total amount of child support you are required to pay each month according to the court order?
* for youngest * for oldest girl * oldest son
What is the total monthly income you receive after all deductions?
The *
What is the total monthly income of the other parents?
* don't work
What steps have you taken to inform the court that the other two parents are not currently employed?
Nothing and the young mom just put me in because she knows I take care of the child I have cash app to prove it
What is the total amount you have sent to the mother via Cash App? This could be used as evidence of your financial support.
Wow I want to say almost * over time
Have you provided the court with evidence of these Cash App transactions?
Have you considered providing the court with evidence of these Cash App transactions to support your claim for a child support modification?
Yes I will
What is the total amount you are currently paying for child support for all three children combined?
* total
What is the total monthly income of the third parent?
I am not sure because she the one wants to terminate
What is the reason the third parent wants to terminate the child support?
Because I help her take care of our daughter with or without child support
What steps have you taken to formalize this agreement with the third parent and present it to the court?
I will be going to get the paper you stated we could file out
What is the name of the form you are planning to file?
Joint petition isn't it
Yes, it's called a "Joint Petition for Termination of Child Support". You can file it at Scott County Chancery Court. Contact: (*) *-*.
Yes, it's called a "Joint Petition for Termination of Child Support". You can file it at Scott County Chancery Court. Contact: (*) *-*.
And the calculations for all three should be * a month and then divided by *
Did you use the Mississippi Child Support Calculator to arrive at the $* figure? It's important to note that child support is calculated based on several factors, including each parent's income and the number of children.
No that's the number you gave me earlier in the chat
I apologize for any confusion. The child support amount can vary based on several factors. Have you tried using the Mississippi Child Support Calculator for a more accurate estimate?
Factors like
What factors are you referring to? Could you please specify?
You said it can vary based on factors what factors
The factors that can affect child support calculations include each parent's income, the number of children, the cost of health insurance, childcare expenses, and any special needs of the children.
I provide health insurance for the oldest girl
Did you provide the court with proof of providing health insurance for your oldest daughter? This could potentially affect the child support calculation.
Yes that's why I want to know why hers is *
Did the court take into account the health insurance you provide when calculating the child support amount for your oldest daughter?
Apparently not
Did you discuss this discrepancy with the court or your attorney? It's important to ensure all factors are accurately considered in child support calculations.
I feel the attorney was being bias
I felt the attorney was being bias
What makes you feel that the attorney was biased?
Because how do you have two different calculations for the same person and different amounts and I have three children which ms states is * percent of gross income
Did you provide the court with evidence of the discrepancy in the child support calculations? In Mississippi, child support is typically calculated as a percentage of the non-custodial parent's adjusted gross income.
But did she factor in taxes and all of that probably not
Did you provide the court with your tax returns or any other proof of your actual income after taxes? In Mississippi, child support is calculated based on the non-custodial parent's adjusted gross income, which includes taxes.
To file a complaint against the attorney what do I need to do
To file a complaint against an attorney, you need to contact your state's bar association. In Mississippi, you can file a complaint with the Mississippi Bar Association.
Yes took child stubs to forest DHS office
What was the response from the Forest DHS office when you submitted your pay stubs?
I still received the letters from youngwilliams stating the amounts
What specific amounts are stated in the letters from YoungWilliams?
* for oldest * for youngest
What was the response from YoungWilliams when you questioned the discrepancy in the amounts?
I haven't had a chance to
What steps are you planning to take to address the discrepancy in the amounts with YoungWilliams?
I wrote a letter
What specific issues or concerns did you address in the letter to YoungWilliams?
Why the amounts were increased
What was the response from YoungWilliams regarding the increase in the amounts?
Nothing yet
Havent heard yet
When did you send the letter to YoungWilliams?
Last week
What was the date you sent the letter to YoungWilliams?
Last week
What was the specific date you sent the letter to YoungWilliams?
The *
What was the content of the letter you sent to YoungWilliams on the 11th?
Stating why I wanted a decrease
What specific reasons did you provide in your letter to YoungWilliams for wanting a decrease in your child support payments?
I'm not sure of everything
What are the main points you highlighted in your letter to YoungWilliams regarding your request for a decrease in child support payments?
The mother wanted to take me off
What steps have you and the mother taken to officially terminate your child support obligations?
Just the letter I wrote
What was the response from YoungWilliams or the court regarding the letter you wrote to terminate your child support obligations?

In Mississippi, both parents can agree to terminate child support, but it must be approved by the court.
Haven't gotten an answer
What date did you send the letter to YoungWilliams or the court? It's important to note that responses may take a few weeks. If you don't hear back within a month, consider following up.
What was the specific date you sent the letter to YoungWilliams or the court?
I sent the letter on the *
What was the response from YoungWilliams or the court regarding the letter you sent on the 11th?
Nothing yet
What specific steps did you outline in your letter to YoungWilliams or the court for the termination of your child support obligations?