Divorce Decree Modification Process


In Virginia, a divorce decree can be modified if one party believes the terms are outdated or inappropriate. The requesting party must provide valid reasons, such as changes in circumstances or new legal advice. Understanding the specific terms being contested is crucial for addressing the continuance request. Consult a family law attorney for personalized guidance.

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Hello Crystal, nice to meet you. Could you please tell me more about the legal issue you're facing?
I filed for divorce and my ex's response was for emotion for continuance
What is the reason your ex-partner has given for requesting a continuance?
He said the terms of the decree are out of date, and after receiving a legal consultation, the defendant doesn't agree that the terms of the final decree are appropriate for all parties involved
What state are you in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding divorce decree modifications.
What are the specific terms your ex-partner is contesting in the divorce decree?