Guardianship Process For Child


In Alabama, your friend can name you as the guardian of her child in her will, but the court makes the final decision. To increase your chances of a favorable outcome, show your ability to provide a stable, loving environment, demonstrate financial stability, and gather references attesting to your character and parenting abilities. Filing a petition involves completing Form PS-07, providing detailed information, and submitting it to the probate court. While not mandatory, having a lawyer can be helpful. Legal fees can range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more. Letters of recommendation should come from individuals who can vouch for your character and parenting abilities.

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need help with child custody
Hello Christa, I'd be glad to guide you. Could you please provide some more information? Are you seeking sole or joint custody? Is there any existing custody order in place?
my dying friend wants me to raise her son when she dies. what is that process
In Alabama, your friend can name you as the guardian of her child in her will. However, the court will make the final decision. It's important to:
• Obtain written consent from your friend.
• File a petition for guardianship.
• Attend the guardianship hearing.
what will i need to be favorable in the court
To increase your chances of a favorable outcome in court, consider the following:
• Show your ability to provide a stable, loving environment for the child.
• Demonstrate your financial stability.
• Gather references attesting to your character and parenting abilities.
• Be prepared to pass a home study or inspection.
what are the requirements for financial stability
Financial stability generally includes:
• Steady income: Proof of employment or steady income source.
• Ability to meet child's needs: Show you can afford to provide for child's food, shelter, medical care, education.
• Debt management: Having a reasonable debt-to-income ratio.
• Savings: Emergency funds or savings for unexpected expenses.
• Credit score: A good credit score can indicate financial responsibility.
what does filing a petition for guardianship looks like
In Alabama, filing a petition for guardianship involves:
• Completing Form PS-*: Petition for Appointment of Guardian.
• Providing detailed information about the child and proposed guardian.
• Explaining why the proposed guardian would be in the child's best interest.
• Submitting the petition to the probate court in the child’s county of residence.
• Paying a filing fee (may vary by county).
Please consult a local attorney for detailed guidance.
do i need a lawyer
While it's not mandatory to have a lawyer for a guardianship case, it is often helpful. Legal processes can be complex, and a lawyer can guide you through the process, help with documentation, and represent you in court.
how much would that costs
Lawyer fees can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your case, the lawyer's experience, and your location. For a guardianship case, you could expect to pay anywhere from $*,* to $*,* or more. It's best to contact multiple lawyers for quotes.
what kind of letters of recommendation do i need
For a guardianship case, letters of recommendation should ideally come from individuals who can vouch for your character and parenting abilities. This could include:
• Past or present teachers or coaches of your children (if any).
• Non-family members who know you well.
• Professionals like doctors or therapists who can attest to your ability to provide care.
Remember, these letters should focus on your abilities as a potential guardian.