Divorce Property Dispute Resolution


Misty from Kentucky is facing a divorce where her husband has changed the locks of their jointly owned house and is selling her property. Despite reporting domestic violence and property disputes to the authorities, she has received no assistance. She is advised to seek a court order to prevent further property sale, apply for an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) for immediate protection, and to contact local domestic violence organizations for help. She is also advised to seek legal aid services for the divorce proceedings and protective order application.

Full Conversation

Misty is going threw a divorce with her husband they own a house her husband changed the locks and has been selling all her property. What can we do about this
What state are you currently residing in? This is important as property division laws vary by state.
What type of property has her husband been selling? In Kentucky, marital property is typically divided equally. Changing locks may be considered illegal without a court order.
$* in make up a jewlery box full of jewlery her clothing here house supplys as in washer a china hutch
Has Misty filed for a divorce and informed the court about her husband's actions?

In Kentucky:
- Marital property is divided equally.
- Selling property without consent can be considered illegal.
We informed the sherrifs and the kentucky state police and she dont have the money for the sivorce at the moment
Has Misty considered applying for a protective order to prevent her husband from selling more of her property? In Kentucky, this can be done even before filing for divorce.
He has beat on her we have pictures to prove this the cops come and never do anything he is on herion and he is currently living in the trailer with his * girl friends
Has Misty reported the domestic violence to the authorities? In Kentucky, she can apply for an Emergency Protective Order (EPO) for immediate protection.
Yes cops have been there multiple times and he had over dosed multiple times
What actions have the police taken so far? In Kentucky, domestic violence is a serious crime and can be grounds for an Emergency Protective Order (EPO).
Nothing at all stays there untill misty leaves
What steps has Misty taken to document these incidents? In Kentucky, it's crucial to keep records of all interactions with law enforcement and any evidence of abuse or property damage.
Pictures and recordings of him messed up passed out on bathroom floor o. Herion and got proof of him cheating
Has Misty considered seeking legal aid services to help with the divorce proceedings and protective order application? In Kentucky, there are organizations that provide free legal help to those who can't afford it.
She cant locate any free help she does not have the money for this right now
Has Misty tried contacting the Legal Aid of the Bluegrass? They provide free legal services in Kentucky. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
I do believe she may have called there befor but it cost money
Has Misty tried reaching out to Kentucky Legal Aid? They offer free legal services to those who qualify based on income. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
What was the response from Kentucky Legal Aid?
File for a divorce
What is the financial situation of Misty's husband? This is important as it can affect the division of property and alimony. In Kentucky, both parties' financial situations are considered in divorce proceedings.
He works at a plastic plant in flemingsburg ky and misty has bo income or job
What steps has Misty taken to secure a source of income or financial support? In Kentucky, alimony may be awarded based on the financial situation of both parties.
Has been putting in applications looking for a job. She is actually going to sign up for food stamps today
What kind of jobs is Misty applying for and has she considered seeking spousal support during the divorce proceedings? In Kentucky, temporary spousal support can be granted during the divorce process.
Gas stations fast food right. Ow anything is good and no spousal support due to no income
What steps has Misty taken to apply for public assistance, such as food stamps or unemployment benefits? In Kentucky, these can provide temporary financial relief.
She has appointment today for food stamps
What is the location of the office where Misty has her appointment for food stamps?
Lewis county kentucky
What is the status of the house ownership? Is it under both their names or just her husband's?

In Kentucky, if the house is marital property, both parties have equal rights to it.
The house her and her husband has they are still paying on
Is the house jointly owned by Misty and her husband, or is it solely under her husband's name?
Its under mistys and erics name
In Kentucky, both parties have equal rights to the property if it's jointly owned. Has Misty considered seeking a court order to prevent further sale of her property?
We have called and they keep sending us to other branches and lovations and we never get a outcome
Have you tried contacting the Kentucky Court of Justice? They might be able to guide you on how to obtain a court order. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
I recommend contacting the Kentucky Court of Justice at (*) *-* for guidance on obtaining a court order to prevent further property sale.
They not helping us tho noone will help
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you tried reaching out to local domestic violence shelters or organizations? They often have resources or can guide you to legal help.