Filing Ppo Against Neighbor


Filing a Personal Protection Order (PPO) in West Virginia can prohibit the respondent from communicating with you and require them to stay away from your home or workplace. Violating a PPO can lead to criminal charges. Legal aid organizations may not assist if the PPO isnt sexually oriented, but private attorneys can provide guidance. Contact a local bar association for further assistance.

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I have had to file a PPO against a neighbor
Hello ****, I understand your situation. To provide accurate information, may I know your location and the reason for filing the PPO against your neighbor?
Huntington, WV
Hello ****,
Here are some general points about PPOs in West Virginia:
- A PPO can prohibit the respondent from communicating with you.
- A PPO can order the respondent to stay away from your home or place of work.
- Violating a PPO can result in criminal charges.
For more specific guidance, consider contacting a local legal aid organization.
Legal aid said they can't help me because the PPO wasn't sexually oriented
Hello ****,
While legal aid might not be able to help in this case, you may consider consulting a private attorney. In West Virginia, PPOs aren't limited to sexually oriented cases. They can be issued for any form of harassment.
I know that's why I need to speak to a lawyer
Hello ****, I understand your situation. You might want to contact a private attorney or a local bar association for further assistance. They can guide you on how to proceed with your PPO case.