Child Support Address Discrepancy


The user is dealing with a child support case in Ohio where he believes his constitutional rights were violated because the notice was sent to the wrong address, leading to a judgment made in his absence. He is also preparing for a parenting time case and wants to gain full custody of his child. The user has concerns about his childs safety due to the childs grandmother allowing the child to stay with a known sex offender. The user is seeking advice on how to challenge the child support judgment, win the parenting time case, and ensure his childs safety.

Full Conversation

Proving to the judge that child support did not send me a notice to appear in court to the right address so they assumed the color of law and got their judgment and put me on child support when they are wrong for doing that so they have violated every constitutional right I have
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide the most accurate information.
Meigs county Ohio
What evidence do you have to prove that the notice was sent to the wrong address?

For Ohio:
- Child support cases are handled by the county's Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA).
- Meigs County CSEA: (*) *-*.
I was arrested at the address that they sent the notice to where I did not live I was getting public assistance at another house that I lived at
Do you have any documents or proof showing that you were receiving public assistance at a different address during the time the notice was sent?
I am working on that right now waiting for a caseworker to contact me to give me that information
What is the timeline of these events? When did you move, when was the notice supposedly sent, and when were you arrested?
The timeline of me getting arrested was September of * and then sending me a notice in October the 17th of *
What is the address where you were living when you were receiving public assistance? This could be crucial in proving your case.
I believe it was * meeks avenue Columbus Ohio *
What is the current status of your case? Are you appealing the judgment or is there a hearing scheduled?
I owe back child support which is under * Grand there is not a hearing scheduled but I do have a parenting time case coming up on the 2nd of October and I need help with that too
What is the nature of the parenting time case you have coming up on the 2nd of October?
I am the father of the child I did sign the acknowledgment letter and the grandmother has guardianship that the courts gave her due to the mother's inability to take care of the child
What is your current relationship with the grandmother and what is your desired outcome from the upcoming parenting time case?
Me and the grandmother does not get along she threatened to kill me last Wednesday at a gas station and attempted to run me over but my outcome is I want my parenting time and I also want to go get full custody of my son if I can which I don't see why I cannot I have a lot of evidence against them
What kind of evidence do you have against the grandmother that could support your case for full custody?
I filed a police report about her threatening to blow my brains out and trying to run me over and she would not let me walk about my way she kept moving the car forward still allows the mother to visit the child but she refuses to let me see my child and she allows my son to go to her son's house which is a sex offender I have proof of that plus I have screenshots from her son and the mother has been convicted of drugs and has a warrant for her for probation violation which is a felony
What steps have you taken so far to gain custody of your child?
I am wondering when I go to court October 7th which I filed for parenting time could I ask to judge to change that order so I can get custody of him
What is the current custody arrangement and why do you believe it should be changed?
The grandmother was granted custodianship over my son my son's mother lost him to the grandmother through child protection agency I was never notified of this and the outcome is I want to take care of him I want to provide for every need that he has which I do believe I can
What steps have you taken so far to establish your paternity and assert your parental rights?
I signed the acknowledgment paper in the hospital and the courts have recognized that and put me on child support they have taken me off a child support because custody has changed
What is the current status of your child support case?

For Ohio:
- Child support modifications can be requested through the county's Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA).
- Meigs County CSEA: (*) *-*.
I am currently not on child support no more but I do owe less than $*,* in back child support
What steps have you taken to address the back child support you owe? In Ohio, you may be able to negotiate a payment plan with the Child Support Enforcement Agency.
I never knew that I was on child support until I went to the penitentiary and they started taking money from me I do not want to make arrangements with them on a payment plan my payment plan is so small I would never want it changed but I'm trying to figure out if I have a class action lawsuit
What steps have you taken to address the issue of not receiving the initial child support notice?
I contacted child support yesterday and they are sending me all the paperwork did I should have got back in the year of *
What is the nature of the paperwork that child support is sending you?
Everything about the case I do believe but I do know that a notice was sent to me at an address that I did not live at and they sent the mother a notice to show up for court she never showed up for court either so I don't know how they got the case open without violating my due process of having the accuser in court which would be her
What steps have you taken to address the violation of your due process rights?

For Ohio:
- You can file a motion to set aside the judgment in the court that issued it.
- Meigs County Court: (*) *-*.
I have not taken any steps yet because I'm trying to get paperwork on where I was living at that time by Job and family services I'm waiting on them to notify me
What is the timeline you are expecting to receive the paperwork from Job and Family Services?
Well I'm waiting on the caseworker to call me so I can talk to her so she can look it up of when I was getting assistance from them I was getting snap at the time
What is the name of the caseworker you are waiting to hear from?
That I do not know I called Job and family services earlier asked to speak to my caseworker they said she will call me
What is the name of the agency you called? This will help me provide you with their contact details for follow-up.
Job and family services middleport Ohio
What is the current status of your communication with Job and Family Services Middleport Ohio?

For Ohio:
- You can contact them directly at (*) *-* for updates.
- Address: * Race St, Middleport, OH *.
So if I can prove that I did not live at the address that they sent the mail to how can I correct the courts in their decision because evidently child support use the term the color of law
To correct the court's decision, you can file a motion to set aside the judgment in the court that issued it. Contact Meigs County Court at (*) *-* for more information.
Do I have to pay for that or when I go to my court case for pairing time can I bring that up to the judge at that time
What is the court and the judge's name for your upcoming parenting time case?

In Ohio, you can generally bring up relevant issues during your court case. However, it's best to consult with a legal professional.
Meigs county common pleas probate juvenile division the judge's name is Powell
What is the date and time of your upcoming court case with Judge Powell at Meigs County Common Pleas Probate Juvenile Division?
October the 2nd *
What is the specific time for your court case on October 2nd, *?

For Ohio:
- Meigs County Common Pleas Probate Juvenile Division: (*) *-*
- Address: * E 2nd St, Pomeroy, OH *.
*:* a.m.
What is the nature of the parenting time case you have scheduled for October 2nd, * at *:* a.m. with Judge Powell at Meigs County Common Pleas Probate Juvenile Division?
So he can be in his family's life especially mine
What is your current visitation arrangement with your child?
I do not get to see him the grandparent will not let me see him this is why I had to file in court because she has temporary guardianship
What evidence do you have to prove that the grandparent is denying you visitation rights?

In Ohio, grandparents' rights are considered, but the best interest of the child is paramount. You can request a modification of the visitation order.
That she is a narcissistic person she refuses me to see him talk to him I have screenshots of conversations
What is the content of these screenshots? They could potentially serve as evidence in your case.
Proving that she will not allow me to see my child and I had to take it to court so I am
What is the date and content of the last conversation you had with the grandmother about seeing your child?
She said that she was not going to let me see him unless Job and family services gave her permission which they can't say yes or no it is up to the court and it was up to her but she refuses to let him be in my life
What steps have you taken to involve Job and Family Services in this matter?

In Ohio, the court considers the best interest of the child when determining custody and visitation rights. You may request a modification of the visitation order.
Am I talking to a automated service or a real person
You're chatting with an AI designed to provide general legal information. How can I assist you further with your legal issue?
Tell me how to win my parenting time in court
What steps have you taken so far to prepare for your upcoming court case for parenting time?

In general, to increase your chances of winning parenting time in court, you should:
- Gather evidence that supports your ability to provide a stable, safe, and nurturing environment for your child.
- Show consistent involvement in your child's life.
- Demonstrate willingness to cooperate with the other party for the best interest of the child.
I am putting together a plan for my parenting time and see if it will be adopted through the court
What does your proposed parenting plan include? In Ohio, a parenting plan typically includes details about physical custody, visitation schedules, decision-making responsibilities, and methods for resolving disputes.
Time sharing picking him up making sure he's safe make sure he eats make sure that all his needs are met
What specific arrangements have you included in your parenting plan for time sharing, pick-ups, and ensuring your child's safety and needs?
I have not made any arrangewhich of course yet
What specific arrangements do you plan to include in your parenting plan regarding time sharing, pick-ups, and ensuring your child's safety and needs?
Change of subject is it legal for the grandparent to allow a child to grow to a known sex offenders house and stay even though he does not have reg ister no more
What evidence do you have that the grandparent is allowing the child to stay at a known sex offender's house?
I acknowledgment from the sex offender stating that he does go there which is his uncle and I have screenshots of him talking about him staying there
What is the nature of the conversations in the screenshots you have?
That he stays there and stays there and call him dad
What is the relationship between the sex offender and the child?
It is his biological uncle
What steps have you taken to report this situation to the relevant authorities?
He is no longer a registered sex offender so is he allowed to keep my son at his house even though it is his uncle
What is the nature of the sex offender's previous conviction? This information can be crucial in determining the legality of the situation.
Sexual contact with a minor
What steps have you taken to report this situation to Child Protective Services or the police?
I have not still trying to get information if it's legal for him to be around him
What is the age of the minor involved in this situation?
What is the full name of the sex offender and when was his last conviction?
His name is Tommy R Lane I do not remember the last conviction
What is the nature of Tommy R Lane's relationship with the child currently?
It is his biological uncle
What steps have you taken to prevent your child from visiting Tommy R Lane's house?
I have not been able to prevent him but I'm asking you how can I prevent him from seeing him
What steps have you taken to document or report the child's interactions with Tommy R Lane to the authorities or child protective services?
So should I contact protective services over this
Yes, if you believe your child is in danger, it's crucial to report it to Child Protective Services. In Ohio, you can call *-OH-CHILD (*-*-*) to report suspected child abuse or neglect.
I have a question for you AI intelligence
What's your question, ****?
How fast do you think
Could you please clarify what you're asking about the speed of? Are you referring to the legal process, response times, or something else?
How fast can you multiply is my question
As an AI, I can perform calculations almost instantaneously. However, my primary function is to provide legal information. How may I assist you further with your legal issue?
I need court cases on how I can stop child support from violating my constitutional rights
What specific constitutional rights do you believe have been violated in your child support case?
My due process my pursuit of happiness property freedom for my god-given rights
What specific actions or events led to the violation of your due process rights in your child support case?
Having a court case without me being present and getting a judgment
What steps have you taken to challenge the judgment given in your absence?
I do not know how challenging it
What specific actions have you taken to challenge the judgment that was made in your absence?
What is the specific judgment that was made in your absence?
Did I have to pay child support
What steps have you taken to address the back child support you owe? In Ohio, child support is typically required until the child turns *. Non-payment can lead to penalties including wage garnishment, license suspension, and even jail time.
None yet
What is the total amount of back child support you owe? In Ohio, you can negotiate a payment plan with the Child Support Enforcement Agency to manage your debt.
I owe less than $*,*
I less than $*,* in child support
What steps have you taken to address the back child support you owe?
Is there any way that you can help me address this
What specific help are you seeking in addressing your back child support?
Help me win the case against child support
What specific evidence do you have that the child support notice was sent to the wrong address?
I was receiving public assistance at a different address
Do you have any documents or proof showing that you were receiving public assistance at a different address during the time the notice was sent?
I do have evidence that I was getting public assistance at a different address
What is the nature of this evidence and how does it prove that you were living at a different address when the child support notice was sent?
Yes I will have documentation and I also have witnesses that will state I was not living at that address that they sent the notices to
What is the nature of the documentation and who are the witnesses that can confirm you were not living at the address where the notices were sent?
They were sending me mail to the address that I was living and the witnesses are why kids that I was living with at the time
What is the nature of the mail you were receiving at the address where you were living? This could serve as proof of your residence at the time.
Paperwork about my SNAP benefits
They were sending me paperwork about my SNAP benefits at that address
What is the address where you were receiving your SNAP benefits paperwork?
* meek avenue Columbus Ohio
I was living at * meek avenue Columbus Ohio at the time that they sent the notices to an address on Sullivan avenue in Columbus Ohio
What is the exact date you moved to * Meek Avenue, Columbus Ohio? This information can help establish the timeline of events.
I live there in January of *
What is the exact date you moved out of * Meek Avenue, Columbus Ohio?
The end of September of * I moved to * 19th avenue Columbus Ohio
When was the child support notice supposedly sent to the wrong address?
October the 17th of *
What is the address where the child support notice was supposedly sent?
* * sullivant avenue Columbus Ohio
What steps have you taken to inform the Child Support Enforcement Agency about the incorrect address they have on file for you?
I have told them that they have sent the letters to the wrong place
What was their response when you informed them about the incorrect address?
They did not respond
What is the current status of your child support case?
IO back charge port that's all
I only owe back child support that's the status of the case
What steps have you taken to address the back child support you owe?

In Ohio, you can negotiate a payment plan with the Child Support Enforcement Agency to manage your debt. Contact Meigs County CSEA at (*) *-* for more information.
Are you allowed to look up Case files
In general, case files are public record and can be accessed through the relevant court's clerk office. However, some sensitive cases may have restricted access. It's best to contact the court directly.
Can you look up a case file on a Brandy Lane she lives in meigs county Ohio
I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have the ability to look up specific case files. You can contact the Meigs County Court directly at (*) *-* for assistance.