Child Visitation With Cpo


In Ohio, paternity grants rights subject to court discretion. A CPO could limit or prevent visitation, but courts prioritize the childs best interests. Visitation may be granted with protective measures. Consult a local expert for personalized guidance.

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If the father of a child has paternity established, but there is an active five year CPO against him for both the mother and child is he likely to be granted visitation
Hello Aaliyah, to guide you better, could you please specify your location? Laws regarding child visitation rights and protections orders can vary by jurisdiction.
Springfield Ohio
Hello Aaliyah, in Ohio:
- Paternity gives rights, subject to court discretion.
- A CPO could limit or prevent visitation.
- Courts prioritize the child's best interests.
- Visitation may be granted with protective measures.
Remember, this isn't legal advice. Consult a local expert for personalized guidance.
Is a court likely to give visitation to a father who has a CPO against him for the child for five years
In Ohio, the court may grant visitation rights to a parent with a CPO against them if it's in the child's best interest. However, protective measures might be set in place. It's crucial to consult with a local legal expert.