Locating Missing Foster Child


The user, Corrine, is seeking help in locating her disabled daughter who was removed from her foster home by Child Protective Services (CPS) in Oregon. She has been unable to get information from the assigned caseworker and is considering legal action. She has contacted the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) but hasnt received a response. She was advised to file a complaint against the caseworker and to seek assistance from a local legal aid organization. She was also advised to contact Disability Rights Oregon for legal advocacy services. The foster parents, Bob and Nadia Tarter, were in the process of adopting her daughter.

Full Conversation

My daughter, is disabled (CdLS) and i had to put in medical foster because i was loosing function of hands ( she requires alot of care) anyway she has been with the same family for almost 11 years we got her on weekend mostly but i got a message that cps removed her and i cant get anyone to tell me why or where she is and that was about 3 months ago and i have called many times
What state are you currently residing in, Corrine? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What steps have you taken so far to locate your daughter and have you contacted a lawyer?
I have called and had other people call, her foster parents have gone down and still wasnt told anything keiahna is non-verbal has cdls which is rare
Have you tried contacting the Oregon Department of Human Services or a local child advocacy group? They might be able to provide some assistance.
I called dhs but haven't herd anything, she will be * on the 1st
What is the name of the DHS office you contacted? In Oregon, adults with disabilities have rights and protections under the law. You may consider legal action.
When i got the message from Don's (father) sister she gave me keiahna new case worker Jodee but she wont return my calls ( called many times)
Have you considered filing a complaint against the case worker for not responding to your calls?
How do you do that? Her foster parents said they told her she had paper work issues when they went there and then just took both fosters
You can file a complaint with the Oregon Department of Human Services. Here's their contact: * Summer St. NE E-*, Salem, OR *, Phone: (*) *-*.
Keiahna is sensitive and dosnt do well with change and she will self mutilate
Have you considered seeking legal representation to help navigate this situation?
I don't know how, im worryed about her and her father my SO of 27 years just died ... i don't know what to do, i have hard time thinking
I'm sorry for your loss, Corrine. Have you considered reaching out to a local legal aid organization for assistance? They can help you navigate this complex situation.
I was just looking into that ( how i found you)
What is the name of the local legal aid organization you were considering? They might be able to provide you with legal representation or guide you through the process.
Oregon law Center, St Helens Office
What is the nature of your relationship with the foster family and have they been cooperative in helping you find your daughter? The Oregon Law Center, St Helens Office can be reached at (*) *-*.
They are trying to find her too, we have good relationship they are trying to get her back, they were adopting her
What is the status of the adoption process? In Oregon, adoption creates a legal parent-child relationship. It's important to know where they were in this process.
I don't really know
What was the last communication you had with the foster family regarding the adoption process?
Haven't talk about it just that was their plan
What was the reason given by CPS for removing your daughter from the foster family?
What specific paperwork issue was cited by CPS for the removal of your daughter from the foster family?
Im not sure
What type of paperwork was the foster family supposed to complete for the adoption process?
Not for adoption paperwork they have to fill out for foster parents, Deb( Don's sister who gave me the message) said she was removed because she hasn't seen her doctors and wasnt getting her meds.... i know for a fact that a lie
Have you considered contacting a disability rights organization in Oregon for assistance? They might be able to help advocate for your daughter's rights.
You can reach out to Disability Rights Oregon at * SW Broadway, Suite *, Portland, OR *. Phone: (*) *-* or (*) *-*. They can provide legal advocacy services.
She has a disability case worker
What is the name of the disability case worker and have you tried reaching out to them about your daughter's situation?
I don't know and no i hasn't
What is the name of the agency or organization that the disability case worker is associated with?
I don't know but she lived by Rockaway Beach
Have you tried contacting the agency or organization in Rockaway Beach where the disability case worker is located?
I didn't think od that no
What is the name of the agency or organization in Rockaway Beach that the disability case worker is associated with?
I don't know that either, wow i really suck
That's okay, Corrine. It's a difficult situation. Have you considered reaching out to a local disability advocacy group for assistance? They might be able to help you navigate this.
No, i have a 23 year old daughter who had a baby and got post pardum psychosis ... anyway was manic for almost 2 years befor i could get her help she was * now has mind of a 12 year old so my mind is scattered
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Corrine. Have you considered seeking help from a mental health advocacy group for your *-year-old daughter?
Yes she now on good meds and works with a great company CCMH
That's good to hear. Have you considered reaching out to CCMH for resources or assistance regarding your other daughter's situation?
They are trying to help Alesah with When her dad died he had no will or anything. Her brother ( older and difrent mother) is trying to take and sell everything and cut her and keiahna out so they helping her with that. They just said get a lawer
What is the name of the brother who is trying to take and sell everything? This information can help in understanding the family dynamics and potential legal issues.
Don jr (he's in jail)
What is Don Jr. in jail for?
Hes in and out so much its hard to keep up
What is the nature of the charges against Don Jr. that led to his current incarceration?
Burglary, theft, probation violation posetion ,gun pasetion , involved in a shooting
What is the current status of Don Jr.'s case? Are there any pending charges or is he serving a sentence?
Im sure there are alot of pending carges but not sure
What is the name of the court handling Don Jr.'s case?
Multnomah to begin with
What is the current status of Don Jr.'s case in Multnomah court?
I don't keep up but he get out in December his wife said
What is the name of Don Jr.'s wife and has she been involved in the legal issues regarding your daughters?
Ai and no
What role does Ai play in the current situation with your daughters?
What is the name of the CPS office that removed your daughter from the foster family?
Columbia County
Columbia County something, i have it written down somewhere
What is the full name of the Columbia County office you're referring to?
I have to look
Sure, take your time. It's important to have the correct information.
Columbia County disability resources,
What is the specific issue you need assistance with regarding Columbia County Disability Resources?
Im sorry i dont think that was the right place, that might be for me
What is the correct name of the CPS office that removed your daughter from the foster family?
I dont know where i wrote it i just have name and number of case worker assigned to her
What is the name and contact number of the case worker assigned to your daughter?
Jodee *-*-*
What was the last communication you had with Jodee regarding your daughter's situation?
I have called many times but never talked to her
What was the last message you left for Jodee? It's important to document all attempts at communication in case you need to escalate this issue.
I said thei is Corine Sanchez again calling about Keiahna Sanchez, wonder why you would leave a message about my daughter in the maner you did and not return any of my calls, leaving me with my mind going crazing
What was the content of the message that Jodee left about your daughter?
She told Deb .. they removed my daughter from where she was and she is safe now and getting the care she needs
What was the reason given by Jodee for removing your daughter from her foster home?
They didn't
What was the last known location of your daughter before she was removed by CPS?
Her home in rockaway
What is the address of the home in Rockaway where your daughter was last known to be?
I dont know the address, but i have been there
Can you provide any landmarks or nearby locations to the home in Rockaway where your daughter was last known to be?
Garibaldi inn,
What is the relationship between the Garibaldi Inn and your daughter's last known location?
You asked for a landmark by keiahna house
What is the full name of your daughter's foster parents? This information could be helpful in tracking down more details about her current situation.
Bob and Nadia Tarter
What is the current status of Bob and Nadia Tarter's foster care license?
They are licensed for adult foster care and had to go to court so they can keep Johnathan who is a minor foster
What was the outcome of the court case regarding their license to foster Johnathan?
They got to keep him, they have had both for a long time it was when they moved from boring to rockaway is when they started having problems
What kind of problems did Bob and Nadia Tarter start having after moving to Rockaway?
Agency problems.... they said that they couldn't keep both fosters said keiahna could end up raping Johnathan.... ( sorry was hard to get that out)
What agency made this claim and on what basis? It's important to know that allegations of this nature are serious and should be thoroughly investigated.
Im not sure have to ask Nadia or bob
What was the response of Bob and Nadia Tarter to the agency's claim?
They where upset but what could they do.... they fought them on removing keiahna because thats what they were going to do
What was the outcome of their fight against the removal of Keiahna? In Oregon, foster parents have the right to contest removal decisions in court.
They won and got to keep her and Johnathan, they were certified as child foster at the time
What is the current status of Bob and Nadia Tarter's foster care certification?
You asked that * times already
As far as i know they are certified as adult medical foster
What is the current status of your daughter's case with the Department of Human Services?

In Oregon, the Department of Human Services is responsible for overseeing foster care and can provide information about a child's placement.
You know when i first texted and i have done this soo many times , i didnt think i would talk to anyone without paying something so i really didnt plan on making time and i have to go to work
I understand your situation, Corrine. When you have time, consider reaching out to the Oregon Department of Human Services for updates on your daughter's case. Their contact is * Summer St. NE E-*, Salem, OR *, Phone: (*) *-*.
I dont even know where she is since they took her much less the status of her case
Have you tried filing a missing person report with your local police department? In Oregon, there's no waiting period to report a missing person.
Even when cps took her
What was the reason given by CPS for taking your daughter? In Oregon, CPS can only remove a child if they believe the child is in immediate danger.
I just got done talking about her with you all about * seconds ago ...so no
I understand. Can you tell me if you have any court dates scheduled regarding this matter?