Filing Kidnapping Charges Clarified


In Arkansas, an emergency ex parte order does not equate to kidnapping. If paternity hasnt been legally established, the potential father has no parental rights. Filing for an ex parte order is not considered kidnapping. If you believe a crime has occurred, contact local law enforcement. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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Can i file for kidnapping if potential father filed a emergency ex parte.
Hello ****, I'm here to help. Can you please let me know your location as laws can vary by state or country? Also, could you clarify if the potential father has custody rights?
Hello ****, In Arkansas:
- An emergency ex parte order does not equate to kidnapping.
- It is typically used when there's immediate danger to a child's wellbeing.
- If he's not established as the legal father, his rights may be limited.
Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
He don't have rights
Hi ****, to clarify, has paternity been legally established for the potential father? This is crucial in determining the legal rights he might have.
Hello ****,
In Arkansas:
- If paternity hasn't been established legally, he doesn't have parental rights.
- Filing for an ex parte doesn't constitute kidnapping.
- For a detailed understanding of your rights and options, please consult a local attorney.
Can i file a kidnapping. If ex filed emergency ex parte
Hello ****,
In Arkansas:
- If paternity hasn't been legally established, he has no parental rights.
- An ex parte order is not considered kidnapping.
- If you believe a crime has occurred, contact local law enforcement.
Please consult with a local attorney for further advice.