Divorce And Property Disputes


Charles is dealing with multiple legal issues including a potentially invalid divorce due to a conflict of interest, property disputes with neighbors, and forgery by his ex-wife. He should consult a local attorney to challenge the divorce, prove property ownership, and address forgery and property disputes. Statute of limitations for fraud is generally 2 years, and for property disputes, its generally 10 years in West Virginia.

Full Conversation

Hello ****, could you please specify the legal issue you need assistance with? Your location would also be helpful to provide the most accurate information.
I don’t actually know. It’s a bunch of different things that needs to be looked at
Hello ****, I understand that you have multiple legal issues to discuss. Could you please provide a brief summary of each one? Also, your location would be helpful to provide the most accurate information.
I am divorced/or so I think I am. The judge presiding had a conflict of interest in my divorce. Years ago he helped on my parents claim when my sister was killed in a truck accident. I have been wondering if I am indeed divorced.
Hello ****, could you please specify the location where the divorce proceedings took place? This information is crucial for me to give you more specific guidance.
My mom passed in * and in her will the property was to husband and wife. We were divorced in *.!
Hello ****, it seems like you have questions related to your divorce and your mother's will. Could you please let me know where you're located so I can provide accurate legal information?
I am having problems with my neighbors who are digging holes on my property so I could wreck my * wheeler in the big hole he dug. My other neighbor told me it was there that was the only thing that was told to me so I wouldn’t ride into it. He is also putting up a fence on my property and I told him to stop and he then said for me to prove that that property was mine. The other neighbor on another side of my property is putting their things on my property als
Hello ****, I understand you're facing multiple issues. To help you effectively, could you please tell me your current location?
* Russell Ave. Craigsville WV *
Hello ****, based on your location and issues, here are some general legal points:
*. If a judge had a conflict of interest, you may be able to challenge the validity of the divorce. Consult a local attorney.
*. For property disputes, you may need to show proof of ownership like a deed or survey.
*. Trespassing or malicious property damage may be criminally actionable. Report to local police.
Remember, for specific advice, consult a local attorney.
Also before my wife left she closed out mine and hers bank account and savings account and she took all of my mom’s money from the bank and forging my name to it and closed it out. Without my permission. Back to the divorce my ex-wife or wife was already talking to the judge and when I came in he had already given her everything she wanted. She thought that I had to sell the house and property and that she got half of what it sales for. I told the judge that it wasn’t a martial asset but he said it was. I took her ass back to court and that judge said that it wasnt. But she had still taken money from both mine and her bank account plus what my mom had in hers and then closed it out. I have cancelled checks where she signed my name to them so she could get money from whichever account she wanted to. Recently she took my son to the court house and took her name off of my deed (she had * deeds made into * deed) without my permission or consent.
Hello ****,
Based on your situation, consider the following:
*. If your ex-wife forged your signature on checks, it's potentially a criminal act. Report it to the police.
*. If she took her name off the deed without your consent, consult a real estate attorney.
*. For the bank account issue, consult with a family law attorney.
Remember, for specific advice, consult with a local attorney.
This had been done back in *. Do I still have a case
Hello ****,
The statute of limitations varies by state and type of legal claim. In West Virginia:
- For fraud (such as forgery), it's generally 2 years.
- For property disputes, it's generally 10 years.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have more questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask. It's important to consult with a local attorney for advice tailored to your specific circumstances. Good luck.