Understanding Child Custody Termination


The user received a court order terminating the courts supervision and any temporary custody by the countys children and youth services agency. The user was informed that typically, when such supervision and custody are terminated, the custody arrangement reverts to what it was prior to the intervention. However, it was recommended that the user consult a local attorney to understand the specific implications of this order.

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Its a children's and youth case
Could you please provide more details about the case? Is it related to custody, child support, or something else?
I wanna know what im reafing exactly on this letter can i write it for you
Sure, ****. You can write down the content of the letter here. I'll do my best to help you understand it.
And now this this thirteenth day of july two thousand twenty three, upon consideration of the motion presented by petitioner Birch county children in new services. It is hereby ordered that the court's supervision of the child is terminated. Court ordered services from the county. Children and youth services agency are no longer needed Any temporary legal and physical custody by county children and youth services agency of the aforementioned child shall be discharged
The letter indicates that the court has ended its supervision over the child and any temporary custody by the county's children and youth services agency is also terminated. Is there a specific part you're confused about?
So does that mean anything before Children use services got involved the custody goes back to the way it was
Yes, typically when court supervision and temporary custody are terminated, the custody arrangement reverts to what it was prior to intervention. However, it's best to consult a local attorney for specifics.
Qok so all custody agreements that were put in place by Children and youth services goes back to the way it was before they got involved correct
Yes, generally, custody reverts to the pre-intervention status. However, it's crucial to consult with a local attorney to understand specific implications.