Change Birth Year Wisconsin


To change your legal birth year in Wisconsin, you need to file a petition in the county where you were born, provide proof of the correct birth year, and attend a court hearing. The court usually requires a birth certificate with the correct birth year, supporting documents, and an affidavit or sworn statement about the error. An affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, used as evidence in court. Consult a legal professional for accurate information.

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What evidence does the court need in order to change birth year
In Wisconsin, to change your birth year, the court usually requires:
- Birth certificate with the correct birth year.
- Any other documents supporting the correct birth year.
- Affidavit or sworn statement about the error.
Please consult with a legal professional for accurate information.
What does an Affidavit mean?
An Affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, often used as evidence in court. It's considered truthful under law unless proven otherwise.