Single Mother Custody Rights


As a single mother in North Carolina, you have the right to seek child custody, request child support, and make decisions about your childs wellbeing. If the other parent is not providing support, you can file for child support enforcement, and the state can enforce orders even if the parent lives out-of-state. Legal representation can help you navigate this process. You can find relevant documents on the North Carolina Judicial Branchs website or at your local family court.

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I just need some questions answered
Of course, ****. I'm here to help. Could you please specify the legal issue or question you're dealing with? Also, may I know your location as laws can vary depending on the place?
What are my rights a s a single mother in nc child custody cse?
In North Carolina, as a single mother, you have:
- The right to seek child custody and visitation.
- The right to request child support.
- The right to make decisions regarding your child's wellbeing.
- The right to seek modification of orders if circumstances change.
Remember, the court's main concern is the best interest of the child.
What is the other parent lives in another states and making all these demands when they denied the child, refused to sign document at hospital, didnt help with prenatal care and refuses to help getting formaula for baby when it was needed? H3 insisted he is not going to do anything noe he is making all of these demands
In North Carolina, if the other parent is not providing support:
- You can file for child support enforcement.
- The state can enforce orders even if the parent lives out-of-state.
- Failure to provide agreed-upon support can be considered in custody/visitation decisions.

Remember, legal representation can help you navigate this process.
Wherr can I find documents in regards to the law for child custody case?
You can find documents related to child custody laws in North Carolina at the North Carolina Judicial Branch's website. You can also visit your local family court for physical documents.