Emancipation Living Conditions Explained


In South Carolina, minors aged 16-17 can petition the court for limited emancipation rights, such as the ability to contract, marry, or sue. You must prove you can manage your own affairs and have a legitimate need. Ensure your living conditions are safe and financially stable. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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when i get emancipation can i live where ever i want
Hello Miley, once emancipated, generally you can live wherever you want. However, it's important to ensure:
- The living conditions are safe
- You can afford it
- It doesn't violate any local laws
Could you please specify your location to provide more specific information?
south carolina
Hello Miley, in South Carolina:
- There's no formal process for emancipation.
- If you're *-*, you can petition the court for rights to contract, marry, or sue.
- You must prove you can manage your own affairs and have a legitimate need.
Remember, consult a local attorney for personal advice.