Child Support Medical Records


In Ohio, child support services may require medical records if youre under investigation, particularly for substance abuse. Non-compliance can result in subpoenas or the court making decisions based on available evidence, which may not be in your favor. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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Do i have to give childsupport my medical records.
Hello ****, it's important to understand your location to provide accurate information. Generally, medical records aren't required unless there's a dispute about your ability to work and pay. Can you tell me where you're located?
In Ohio, you usually don't need to provide your medical records to child support services unless there's a dispute about your ability to work and pay. However, specific circumstances may require different handling. It's best to consult a legal professional.
Do i hace to give childsupport my medical records if im under investigation
Hello ****, in Ohio, if you're under investigation and the dispute is about your ability to work and pay, you might be required to provide your medical records. However, it's best to seek advice from a legal professional in your area for your specific situation.
Do i have to give childsupport my medical records if im under investigation for substance abuse
Hello ****, in Ohio, if you're under investigation for substance abuse, you may be required to provide your medical records to child support services, especially if this impacts your ability to provide support. Contact a local attorney for specific advice.
What can childsupport do if i don't give them medical records
In Ohio, if you refuse to provide medical records to child support services during an investigation:
- They could potentially subpoena the records.
- The court may make decisions based on available evidence, which may not favor you.
Please consult a local attorney for proper guidance.