Modifying Protective Order Connecticut


The user is seeking to modify a protective order in Connecticut due to pregnancy with the defendants baby. In Connecticut, modifications to a protective order can include changing the terms of contact, adjusting the distance the defendant must keep, and adding or removing persons from the order. The court may consider modifications if circumstances have significantly changed. The user is advised to file a motion in the court that issued the order for modification.

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Nice to meet you, Lulu. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
i want to
I'm sorry, Lulu, but your message seems incomplete. Could you please provide more details about the legal issue you're facing?
What specific legal document or agreement are you looking to modify, Lulu?
a protective order
What state are you in, Lulu? The process to modify a protective order can vary by location.
What is the reason you want to modify the protective order?

In Connecticut:
- You can request a modification by filing a motion in the court that issued the order.
- Contact: Connecticut Judicial Branch, (*) *-*.
i am pregnant with the defendants baby
What kind of modifications are you seeking in the protective order?

In Connecticut:
- The court may consider modifications if circumstances have significantly changed.
- Contact: Connecticut Judicial Branch, (*) *-*.
what kind of modifications are there?
In Connecticut, modifications to a protective order can include:
- Changing the terms of contact
- Adjusting the distance the defendant must keep
- Adding or removing persons from the order.