Child Custody Concerns


If you believe your childs welfare is at risk due to uncomfortable situations or inadequate supervision during visits with their father, it could be grounds for a custody review. Concrete evidence of potential harm is crucial. Consult a family law attorney in Michigan for personalized advice.

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Hello Katelynn, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My daughter is * and her dad and I have been on great terms until about a month ago when he got into a new relationship. My daughter loves going to her dads house the last week she has been wanting to stay with me. At the new girlfriends house, her uncle lives there and my daughter said that he looks at her weird and makes her feel uncomfortable. She also has Told us that her dad stays up stairs all the time and the 12 year old daughter watches my daughter. Is this enough to take him to court?
Hello Katelynn, your concerns are understandable. If you believe your child's welfare is at risk, it could be grounds for a custody review. However, it's important to have concrete evidence of any potential harm. Could you tell me where you are located so I can provide relevant legal information?