Dhr Case Closure Details


If the Department of Human Resources (DHR) in Alabama closes a case, it generally means the issue is resolved. However, they may return if new concerns arise. DHR can request a drug test if they suspect substance abuse but cannot force it without a court order. You are not required to let DHR into your home without your consent or a court order, but denying access could lead to further legal action, such as seeking a court order for entry or initiating child protection proceedings.

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I had a open case with DHR in Alabama. Today they closed My case. Does that mean they can come back?
Hello ****. Generally, if the Department of Human Resources (DHR) in Alabama closes a case, it means they've resolved the issue at hand. However, they may return if a new concern or complaint arises. It's best to maintain compliance with any guidelines they've provided.
Can they force me to take a drug test
Hello ****. In Alabama, DHR can request a drug test if they suspect substance abuse. However, they cannot force you without a court order. Here's what you need to know:
- DHR can request, but cannot force a drug test without a court order.
- If you refuse, they may take the matter to court.
- A judge can order a drug test if there is reasonable suspicion of substance abuse.
Do I have to let DHR in my house
Hello ****. In Alabama, you are generally not required to let DHR into your home without a court order or your consent. However, denying them access could potentially escalate the situation. Here's what you need to know:
- DHR needs your consent or a court order to enter your home.
- Without these, you can deny entry.
- Denying entry could lead to a court order or further legal action.
What type of legal action
Hello ****. If you deny DHR access to your home, they may:
- Seek a court order for entry
- Initiate child protection proceedings, if they believe a child is at risk
- Possible removal of children from the home if a court order is granted.