Parental Rights Termination Process


Parental rights can be terminated in Tennessee if there are legal grounds such as abandonment or severe abuse. The court requires clear and convincing evidence and considers the best interest of the child. Consult a family law attorney for specific advice.

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Renee gall
Hello Renee, I'm here to help you with your legal inquiries. Could you please describe your situation or the specific legal issue you're facing?
My ex husband is trying to terminate my parental rights
Hello Renee. Sorry to hear you're going through this. In order to provide relevant legal information, could you please tell me in which state or country you reside?
Hello Renee, here's some general information about parental rights termination in Tennessee:
- A parent's rights can be terminated only if there's legal grounds, such as abandonment or severe abuse.
- The court requires clear and convincing evidence.
- The court considers the best interest of the child.
You should consult with a family law attorney for specific advice.