Joint Guardianship In Michigan


A guardian can be appointed by a court for someone unable to manage their affairs. The court must find clear evidence of incapacity. A guardian must act in the wards best interest. In Michigan, a co-guardian may continue acting as the sole guardian if one passes away. For a child aged 16 or 17, guardianship typically ends at 18, but early termination can be petitioned if the child can manage their own affairs. Consult a lawyer or local probate court for specific guidance.

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Need help with a guardianship case
Hello ****, I'd be happy to help with your guardianship case. Could you please tell me the location where this case is taking place? This will help me provide more accurate information.
Hillsdale Michigan
Hello ****, here are some general rules for guardianship in Michigan:
- A guardian can be appointed by a court for someone unable to manage their affairs.
- The court must find clear evidence of incapacity.
- A guardian must act in the ward's best interest.
For specific help, please contact your local probate court.
Is there such a thing as Joint Guardianship if one guardian passes away?
Yes, in Michigan, a co-guardian may continue acting as the sole guardian if one passes away. However, the court might need to be informed depending on the specifics of the guardianship order. It's advisable to consult an attorney or the local probate court.
What do i do if the child is * almost * and in a guardianship?
In Michigan, a guardianship typically ends when the child turns *. If the child is * or *, and you believe they can manage their own affairs, you could petition the court for early termination of guardianship. It's recommended to consult a lawyer or local probate court.