Transgender Medication Insurance Denial


The users sisters request to increase the dosage of her transgender affirming medication was denied by her insurance company, McLaren HMP, in Michigan. The insurance company stated that the medical criteria has not been met, but did not provide any specific reason. The users sister and her doctor have appealed the decision, providing their medical proofs, but the appeal was denied. The doctor has advised to continue trying to appeal the decision. The insurance company reportedly uses the World Health Associations policy on transgender health.

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My sisters trans affirming medication was blocked by insurance here in michigan . Michigan medicade is supposed to approve this. She has appealed with the dr and they still have denied her.
Has your sister received any written explanation from the insurance company regarding the denial of her medication?
Just that medical criteria has not been met. She was already approved this is about upping the dose of her estrogen which is within the normal route of trans care. She has had all yhe preliminary therapy and dr appointments.
What specific reason did the insurance company provide for stating that the "medical criteria has not been met"?
The dr . Said nothing more than medical criteria not met
What steps have you taken so far to appeal this decision?
She along with her dr sent thier medical proofs. She needs this care . Without she becomes suidial
What is the name of the insurance company? It's important to know their specific policies and appeal procedures.
McLaren hmp
What is the specific medication that has been denied by McLaren HMP?
Estrodial pathes .* * cartons
What is the current status of the appeal process with McLaren HMP?
What is the next step your sister's doctor has advised following this denial?
Try again, and again
What is the specific medical criteria that the insurance company is stating has not been met?
They didnt give one
What is the name of your sister's doctor who is helping with the appeal process?
Dr. Ashleu todd of planned parenthood
What is the contact information of Dr. Ashley Todd? It might be helpful to reach out to her for more information about the appeal process.
I'm asking for Dr. Ashley Todd's contact information to provide you with the best possible advice. It's important to communicate with the doctor during this process.
Id just like advise
What is the specific policy of McLaren HMP regarding the approval of trans affirming medication?
They use the world health association for transgender health aside from that im not sure
What is the World Health Association's policy on transgender health and medication?
I don't know but she's already been on a lower dose for * to six months
What is the World Health Organization's recommended dosage for the medication your sister is taking?
I'm not sure but he doctor recommended this new dose
What is the recommended dosage by the World Health Organization for the medication your sister is taking? It's important to compare this with the dose recommended by her doctor.