Rehab Facility Neglect Concerns
Neglect in addiction rehab facilities can involve not providing necessary medical care, such as prescribed medication, which may lead to a medical crisis. In Oregon, this can be reported to the Oregon Health Authority or the Department of Human Services. If experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, immediate medical attention is crucial. Contact emergency services if the situation is critical. Reporting neglect can help ensure proper care and prevent further harm.Full Conversation
experience opiate med withdrawals, I’m in a crisis staff won’t give me more prescribed bupenorphine
In Oregon, failure to provide prescribed medication in a rehab facility can be considered as neglect, especially if it leads to a medical crisis.
- Neglect: Failure to provide necessary medical care, including prescribed medication.
- Reporting: You can report this to the Oregon Health Authority or the Department of Human Services.
Would you like more information on how to report this issue?
what is a medical crisis
A medical crisis refers to a situation where an individual's health is in immediate danger and requires urgent medical attention. This can include severe withdrawal symptoms, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or any other condition that could rapidly worsen without prompt treatment.
Would you like information on how to report this neglect to the appropriate authorities in Oregon?
Urepgent medical attention is receiving meds
It seems like you're in a serious situation. Here is what you can do:
- Contact Emergency Services: If your condition is critical, call * immediately.
- Report the Facility: You can report the neglect to the Oregon Health Authority or the Department of Human Services.
Would you like assistance on how to proceed with reporting?
is coping with my severe withdrawals pain and suffering
It sounds like you are facing a serious issue. If the facility is not providing your prescribed medication, it could be considered neglect. You may report this to the Oregon Health Authority or the Department of Human Services.
Would you like more information on how to report this or seek immediate medical help?