Renting With Disability Challenges


The user, a disabled individual, is facing discrimination and harassment from their landlord and neighbor in Chicago, Illinois. They are struggling to rent a new apartment due to their lack of credit score. They have reported the harassment to the Fair Housing Authority and have a pending case with HUD. They have also obtained a no stalking no contact order against the harassing neighbor. They are represented by a legal representative, Betsy Shuman Moore, who has filed a case with HUD on their behalf. The user is seeking advice on how to secure a new apartment despite their credit challenges.

Full Conversation

Chicago Illinois
What type of disability do you have? In Illinois, landlords cannot discriminate against potential tenants based on disability. They must make reasonable accommodations.
What type of accommodation are you seeking? In Illinois, landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities.
Ability to rent without credit discrimination
What is your income source? In Illinois, landlords can consider income but not disability or credit history when deciding to rent.
Social security
What is your monthly income from Social Security? In Illinois, landlords can consider income but not disability or credit history when deciding to rent.
Seven hundred forty five dollars a month
What is the average rent in your area? In Illinois, landlords can consider income but not disability or credit history when deciding to rent.
⁷⁰⁰ to *
What type of housing are you looking for? (e.g., apartment, house, etc.)
What type of apartment are you looking for (e.g., studio, *-bedroom, etc.)? In Illinois, landlords can't discriminate based on disability or credit history. They can consider income for rental decisions.
* bedroom
What is your preferred location for the apartment? In Illinois, landlords cannot discriminate based on disability or credit history. They can consider income for rental decisions.
Chicago Illinois
What is your current living situation?

In Illinois, landlords cannot discriminate based on disability or credit history. They can consider income for rental decisions.
I live in a apartment
What is the issue you're facing with your current apartment?
What specific discriminatory actions have you experienced in your current apartment?
Harassment and disability discrimination
Have you reported this harassment and disability discrimination to any authority? In Illinois, you can file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.
Yes I have
Which authority did you report the harassment and discrimination to? In Illinois, such issues can be reported to the Illinois Department of Human Rights. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
Fair housing authority
The Fair Housing Authority
What was the response from the Fair Housing Authority regarding your complaint?
They filed it with HUD awaiting decision
What is the nature of the harassment and discrimination you're facing? In Illinois, it's illegal for landlords to discriminate based on disability. You've done right by reporting to Fair Housing Authority.
No ability to park behind building and landlord used lady next door to constantly knock on my door and verbally assaulted me several times. One occasion on video he is present while she harassed me
Have you shared the video evidence with the Fair Housing Authority? In Illinois, such evidence can be crucial in proving harassment and discrimination.
Yes I have
What was their response after you shared the video evidence?
They said I live in a nutcase center
What does "nutcase center" mean in this context? Did they provide any further explanation or steps to take?
Crazy people for neighbors and crazy landlord
People with mental challenges and a abusive landlord
What actions has the landlord taken that you consider abusive?
Nothing he is trying to evict me now
What is the reason your landlord has given for the eviction?
Fabricated lies
What are the specific lies your landlord has fabricated for the eviction?
Non payment of rent
Do you have proof of your rent payments?
Yes I have proof
What form is your proof in? (e.g., bank statements, receipts, etc.)
Paper rent receipts signed by both parties
Do you have all the receipts for the rent you've paid? In Illinois, these can be used as evidence in court to dispute the eviction.
Yes I do
What is the next step the landlord has taken after serving you the eviction notice?
Court on the 15th of this month
I have court on */*/*
What is the name and location of the court where your hearing will be held?
Zoom court
What is the name of the court that is conducting the hearing via Zoom?
State of Illinois circuit Court cook county
What is the case number for your upcoming court hearing? This will help you track your case status. The contact details for the Cook County Circuit Court are (*) *-*, * W. Washington St., Chicago, IL *.
What is the name of your landlord or the property management company?
Henry Damiecki
His name is Henryk Damiecki
What is the name of your legal representative for the upcoming court hearing?
Her name is Betsy Shuman Moore
What is the contact information of your legal representative, Betsy Shuman Moore?
Her phone is +* *-*-* Northside community center
Her phone number is * *-*-*
What is the nature of the legal assistance provided by Betsy Shuman Moore in your case?
Legal representation on disability discrimination
What specific actions has Betsy Shuman Moore taken to assist you in your case?
She has put together a case and filed it with HUD
What is the status of the case that Betsy Shuman Moore filed with HUD?
The case awaits decision
Waiting for HUD's response
What is the case number for the complaint filed with HUD?
HUD has to contact us with a case number, we are waiting
What is the nature of the complaint that Betsy Shuman Moore filed with HUD on your behalf?
Discrimination complaint and a harassment complaint
What specific incidents of discrimination and harassment were included in the complaint filed with HUD?
Several incidents of parking discrimination and him verbally harassing me and using a lady neighbor and her dog to constantly knock on my door and harass me
What actions have you taken to address the harassment from your neighbor?
Obtained a no stalking no contact order from a judge
What is the name of the court that issued the no stalking no contact order?
Cook county domestic violence courts
The cook county Illinois domestic violence courts
What is the case number for the no stalking no contact order issued by the Cook County Illinois Domestic Violence Courts?

Cook County Domestic Violence Court:
- Address: * W Harrison St, Chicago, IL *
- Phone: (*) *-*
What is the current status of the no stalking no contact order?
Received a two year no contact no stalking order
Who is the order against and what are the terms of the order? In Illinois, violation of a no contact order can result in criminal charges, including jail time and fines.
Cindy Kantner
What specific actions are prohibited under the terms of the no contact order against Cindy Kantner?
Terms are no contact by her or her dog
The terms of the order were no contact by her or her animal
She can not talk to me or be more than * feet from me. Her dog must be put on a leash
What actions have you taken if Cindy Kantner or her dog violate the terms of the no contact order?
I want to move
What is preventing you from moving to a new location?
Credit is required and in my disability position I am unable to attain credit. People who rent are discriminating economically
No credit
Ty anyway
What steps have you taken to find a new apartment that accommodates your needs and income? In Illinois, landlords cannot discriminate based on disability or credit history. They can consider income for rental decisions.
Online searches and phone calls
What kind of responses or feedback have you received from your online searches and phone calls?
I have no credit score
Have you considered seeking assistance from a non-profit organization or a government agency that helps people with disabilities find housing?
Yes I have
What was the response or assistance provided by the non-profit organization or government agency? In Illinois, there are programs like the Housing Choice Voucher Program that assist individuals with disabilities in securing affordable housing.
End chat