Chat Room Legal Implications


The user engaged in explicit conversation with an adult in a public chat room, sharing photos of public models without their personal consent. A third person, whose age is unknown, entered the chat room, causing the user discomfort. The user is unsure if they committed a legal offense and is seeking advice. The chat room had a birthdate entry system for age verification, but no real verification. The user has had no further interactions with either the adult or the third person after leaving the chat room and no actions have been taken against them.

Full Conversation

I feel like i did something wrong on a chat room
Can you please provide more details about what happened in the chat room?
i was talking to someone who as far i know was an adult, and i wanted to engage con sensually with them in sexual chatting but their brother entered the room and i was worried they would see us talking.
Did you confirm the age of the person you were chatting with before engaging in explicit conversation?
What was the age of the person you were chatting with?
i cannot remember * i think
Can you confirm if the chat room was a public or private platform?
What was the nature of the chat room? Was it specifically for adults or open to all ages?
it was sexual and adult
Did you share any explicit content or was it just text-based conversation?
i believe i sent some photos of models to the adult person
Did you have the consent of the models in the photos to share their images?
they were public nude models i did not have personal consent
What was the age of the person who entered the room without your knowledge?
i have no idea i was too scared to ask i just remember attempting to get the adult to make them leave the room so they wouldn't see us chatting explicitly
What is the age of the person who saw the explicit chat without your knowledge?
i have no idea i cannot remember if i asked or not i don't know if they were a minor or adult
Did you stop the explicit conversation immediately when the third person entered the chat room?
no, i stupidly believed i needed to get the adult to make her brother leave it was uncomfortable
What actions have been taken against you since this incident?
What is your main concern regarding this situation?
i am concerned i was doing something bad and i feel guilty all i wanted was for him to leave and i felt like i almost caused harm. I remember her making him leave at the end of the chat and i left soon after that
What is your location in Georgia? This will help me provide more accurate information.
I am not in Georgia
I see. Could you please tell me where you are located so I can provide the most accurate information?
North Carolina, Spruce Pine
What specific legal concerns do you have regarding this situation?
I do not know i just want to know if i did something illegal if i should confess there have been no charges
What was the age of the person you were chatting with when the third person entered the room?
they were in their 20s
What was the age of the third person who entered the chat room?
Do you know if the chat room had any rules or guidelines about sharing explicit content?
i can't remember the chatroom was full of people sharing explicit content
Did the chatroom have any age verification process in place?
it had a login where you entered your age
Did the person you were chatting with confirm their age through this verification process?
but no real verification
What was the nature of the conversation after the third person entered the chat room?
The person did enter their birthdate yes
Did the third person engage in the explicit conversation or were they just present in the chat room?
they were not engaged in any sexually charged discussion but the adult claimed they saw the photos and began asking questions about them.
What was the nature of the questions the adult asked about the photos?
the third person asked how i made those photos, because the adult lied and told them it was art for some reason
What was your response when the third person asked about the photos?
i think i just told the adult that i did not feel comfortable talking with a third party in the chat
What was the response of the adult when you expressed your discomfort about the third party in the chat?
i think they agreed and were trying to figure a way to make him leave
Did the third party leave the chat room eventually?
What actions did you take after the third party left the chat room?
i think i was panicking and calmed down and i felt like the adult meant no harm it was an accident the third person walked into the room on them. So i may have chatted with the adult a bit more before eventually leaving
Did you continue the explicit conversation after the third person left the chat room?
i think i may have tried to but i think i felt uncomfortable and left the chat myself
What was the age of the third person who entered the chat room?
i do not know
What is the age of consent in North Carolina?
What was the nature of the explicit content you shared after the third person left the chat room?
i think i talked to them for a short bit i don't think much was said or done before i realized i wasn't comfortable in the chat anymore i just wanted the third person gone and wanted to leave myself
Did you have any further interactions with either the adult or the third person after leaving the chat room?
What was the platform or website where this chat room was located?
Online Free Sex Chat
What was the age verification process on the platform "Online Free Sex Chat"?
It was a birthdate entry system
Did the person you were chatting with confirm their age through the birthdate entry system?
i believe so
Did the third person who entered the chat room also confirm their age through the birthdate entry system?
no they were in the physical same room as the second person. They were their sibling i believe and walked in on them i think.
Did the third person interact with the chat or just viewed the conversation?
He viewed and asked questions which the second person relayed to me
Did the third person view any explicit content or was it only the conversation that they saw?
I believe they saw the photos which made me uncomfortable and i cannot remember if the photos were nudes or just clothed women
Did the third person or their sibling contact you after the incident or take any action against you?