Probation Violation Consequences Juvenile


A 13-year-old girl in Texas violated her probation terms by testing positive for Xanax. The original offense was a minor marijuana charge. The violation led to a DTA (Detention to Adjudicate) being issued, requiring her to stay in juvenile detention until a court date could be set. The case is being handled in Montgomery County. The name of the probation officer is unknown.

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my daughter violated her probation and now they put a DTA so she could sit in JUVENILE just so she could get a court date
What was the original offense for which your daughter was on probation?
* g marijuana charge
What is the age of your daughter? In Texas, possession of up to * ounces of marijuana is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a $*,* fine.
What were the terms of your daughter's probation? In Texas, violating probation can lead to serious consequences, including serving the original sentence.
just to get drug tested
What were the results of her drug tests during probation? In Texas, violating probation terms can lead to detention and court appearance.
The first two are good then she failed the third one
What substance did she test positive for in her third drug test? In Texas, a positive drug test can be considered a probation violation, leading to potential detention.
What is the exact substance she tested positive for? In Texas, different substances can lead to different penalties for probation violation.
"Bars" is often a street name for Xanax. Did your daughter test positive for Xanax or another benzodiazepine?
What is the date of her upcoming court hearing?
they couldn’t find her one so now they put a dta out for her arrest just so she could sit in JUVENILE till she gets a court date
What is the name of the county where your daughter's case is being handled?
Macgomery county
What is the name of your daughter's probation officer?
i do not know
Could you please provide the name of the court handling your daughter's case?