Teen Theft Legal Options


In Arkansas, theft is a serious offense. Consider reporting the thefts to the police, consulting with her therapist about potential legal consequences, and exploring legal guardianship alternatives if her behavior continues. This is general advice and specific options may vary.

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My 16 year old step daughter keeps stealing stuff from me, her grandparents and different stores.. we have punished her at home with grounding and taking away things that are privileges but it does not phase her. She has been in therapy for almost 7 years now and it is just getting worse. She has also been in and out of behavioral health units. Nothing is working. What should we do?
Hello Lanita, I'm sorry to hear about the situation. Can you tell me in which country and state you're located? This will help me provide more accurate advice.
AR, United States
Hello Lanita, in Arkansas, theft is a serious offence. Consider:
- Reporting the thefts to the police.
- Consulting with her therapist about potential legal consequences.
- Exploring legal guardianship alternatives if her behavior continues.
Remember, this is general advice and specific options may vary.