Juvenile Theft Consequences Georgia


First-time juvenile felony theft in Georgia may lead to custody, court proceedings, and a focus on rehabilitation. Consult a lawyer for specific advice.

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I am a juvenile, 13 years old living in georgia. I commited a felony/theft, this is my first charge, what will most likely happen to me?
Hello ****, here's a general overview based on Georgia law:
*. You may be taken into custody by law enforcement.
*. You may be released to your parents or remain in custody.
*. You could face juvenile court proceedings.
Please consult with a legal professional for specific advice.
So will i be sent to juvenile jail or not
It's within the court's discretion based on the circumstances. However, as it's your first offense, Georgia law tends towards rehabilitation rather than punishment for juveniles. But it's crucial to hire a lawyer for specific advice.
What's Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation in legal terms refers to strategies and programs aimed to reform a person who has committed a crime. This could include counseling, education, and behavior management with the goal of preventing future illegal activity.