Tenant Eviction And Harassment


In Chula Vista, CA, landlords can issue 60-day notices but cannot delegate this to neighbors. Physical harm is a crime, and landlords must ensure safety. Reporting violence and obtaining a restraining order are crucial steps. Discussing tenant matters may violate privacy laws. California Civil Code 1940.2 governs landlord-tenant privacy. Eviction due to harassment by another tenant is illegal. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Chula Vista CA
In Chula Vista, CA:
- Landlords can give *-day notices without cause.
- However, they cannot delegate this duty to neighbors or anyone else.
- If you believe your eviction is unjust, consult a local attorney.
Can the manager let a tenant who has been harassing us since the first hour we moved in physically beat me up
In Chula Vista, CA:
- No one should physically harm you. It's a crime.
- Landlords must provide a safe environment.
- Report any violence to the police immediately.
- Also inform your landlord. They may be able to take action against the harassing tenant.
- Consult a local attorney for further advice.
I did report it and started a restraining order
That's a good move. In Chula Vista, CA:
- The court can issue a restraining order to protect you from further harm.
- The harassing tenant might be evicted if they violate this order.
- Consult a local attorney to guide you through the process.
Is it illegal for the manager to tell each tenants business to other tenants
In Chula Vista, CA:
- It's not illegal for a manager to discuss tenant matters, but it could violate privacy laws.
- If sensitive information is shared, it could be a breach of contract.
- Consider seeking legal advice if this is causing distress or harm.
What is the privacy code between the manager and the tenant
In Chula Vista, CA:
- The landlord-tenant privacy code is guided by the California Civil Code *.*.
- It prohibits landlords from disclosing information about a tenant's immigration or citizenship status.
- Any other privacy laws would be outlined in your lease agreement.
- If you feel your privacy has been violated, consider consulting with a legal professional.
Is it illegal to ask us to move because of the same tenant who has been harassing us since the first hour we moved in four years ago and even let her beat me up in the middle of the night because she heard a bang five hours prior, which was the cats that dropped some stools off the table
In Chula Vista, CA:
- It's illegal to evict based on harassment by another tenant.
- Landlords must provide a safe environment.
- If you're being asked to move due to harassment, you might have a case against your landlord.
- Engage a local attorney for further advice.
Ok thanks
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Remember, it's crucial to consult with a local attorney to guide you through your situation. Stay safe.