Eviction And Tenant Rights


Landlords in Missouri must provide reasonable notice before entering a rented property and are prohibited from unlawful evictions. They are also required to maintain livable conditions, including functional heat and water. Disconnecting utilities as a form of eviction is illegal. Seek advice from a local attorney if your landlord continues to violate these laws.

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Shonda gagliardo
Hello Shonda, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My landlord is having me evicted and siad i was served papers for court but i was never served nor did i ever get papers so i missed court last week. Now i have like 10 days to get out. My land lord came to my trailer three daya ago ans jist walked in my trailer without even knocking and said hes turning off my water. Also he keeps crawling in my windows or taking the handle loff the door so he can get in if he wants. My heat ans air conditioning has been broke for over a year now ans he refuses to fix it and i have two kids at home. He wrote me three evictions last mo th in his pwn hand writting and put these notes in my vehicle . He yelled at my kids yesterday when i wasnt home. He yelled at them saying u know u guys have to get out now and the kids said i wasnt home he couldnt come in and he said its my trailer ill come in it when eber the fuck i want to. Then he called and told me if he wants to he can also cut my wifi line to the trailer if he doesnt want it there.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Shonda. Could you please let me know which state you're located in? This will help me provide accurate legal information related to landlord-tenant laws in your area.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Shonda. In Missouri:
- Landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your premises.
- Unlawful eviction is prohibited.
- Landlords are required to maintain habitable premises, including heat and water.
You may want to consult a legal professional for further advice.
That's correct, Shonda. Just to add, landlords in Missouri are also not allowed to disconnect utilities as a form of eviction. If your landlord continues to violate these laws, you may have grounds to take legal action. Consider seeking advice from a local attorney.
Hello Shonda, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's important to know your rights. In Missouri:
- Landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering a rented property.
- Landlords are prohibited from carrying out unlawful evictions.
- Landlords are required to maintain livable conditions, such as functional heat and water.
You might consider seeking advice from a legal professional in your area.