Minnesota Tenant Rights Guide


As the leaseholder in Minnesota, you have the right to remove anyone not on the lease. Apply for a restraining order promptly. Police may not interfere in civil matters but can enforce court-ordered evictions or restraining orders. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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Minnesota tenant rights and personal belongings. I am the only signee on the lease . My exboyfriend is listed as a person staying there. I want him out die to his alcohol abuse and mostly the constant emotional and mental abuse he is putting my children and I in. I'm in the process of a restraining order. He won't leave so therefore out of fear and Anna the safety of my childrenI left without any personal belongings . He said today to I and the cops that is he could get the kayaks, tents, generator out of my van that he would leave so even tho we both purchased these items I have them all to him so he would leave and I and the children could return home. But now he is dating to the police and I that he needs * to 2 days so he can get a uhaul to remove all items out of the house claiming it's all his when it's not.. it's the kids and I stuff too. The police say there is nothing they can do to stop him. Please help me. I'm a single mom to * kids whose father committed suicide a couple years ago and I just want him out so my children and I can return home.
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Minnesota:
- As the leaseholder, you have the right to remove anyone not on the lease.
- Apply for the restraining order as soon as possible.
- The police may not interfere in civil matters, but they can enforce a court-ordered eviction or restraining order.
Please consult with a local attorney for your specific situation.