Eviction Defense Strategies


If facing eviction due to false records and lies by a property manager, consider filing a complaint with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights, gathering evidence, and consulting with a local tenant rights organization.

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Stacey Sndet
Hello Stacey, welcome to FreeLawChat. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My property manager is one of the cruelest people I’ve ever met. She makes false records nd lies. She is now talking m e to court this morning for eviction
Hello Stacey, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I need to know your location to provide accurate information. Also, do you have any documented proof to support your claims against the property manager?
Fife Lake Michigan. I have been so afraid to go over her head and make a complaint
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Stacey. Here are some options:
*. File a complaint with Michigan Department of Civil Rights.
*. Gather evidence of false records and lies.
*. Consult with a local tenant rights organization.

Michigan Department of Civil Rights

Phone: (*) *-*
Website: www.michigan.gov/mdcr