Eviction Notice Legalities Missouri


In Missouri, landlords can generally evict tenants for specific reasons like non-payment of rent or lease violations. If your lease doesnt prohibit felon visitors and youre not violating any terms, the eviction may be unjust. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Christine Vaeth
Hello Christine Vaeth, nice to meet you! How can I assist you with your legal issue today? Do you also mind sharing your location? This will help me provide more accurate information.
I live in missouri and my landlord gave me a 30 day notice to be out the 15th of this month he states its because my rent is not on time but it is paid the real reason he is evicting me is because my 3 year old dad/occasional babysitter is a felon and he comes to visit her he does not live here and it does not state in my lease that a felon can not visit me does he have the right to do this to us?
Hello Christine, in Missouri, a landlord can generally only evict for specific reasons such as non-payment of rent or lease violations. If there's no clause in your lease prohibiting felon visitors, and if you're not violating any terms, your eviction may be unjust. Consider consulting a local attorney.