Unjust Lease Modification Fee


Landlords in Minnesota cannot charge fees not specified in the lease. Any lease modifications should be documented in writing. If issues persist, contact a local tenants rights organization for assistance.

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My landlord wants to charge be $* for a lease modifcation fee for adding my friend onto the lease. The agreed term hasn't even begun. There is also nowhere in the lease where it talks about this fee. I live in Minnesota if that is helpful.
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- Landlords can't charge fees not outlined in the lease.
- Any changes should be agreed on and added to the lease in writing.
- If issues persist, consider contacting a local tenant's rights organization.
So should they be able to charge me?
No, based on the information you provided and the laws in Minnesota, your landlord should not be able to charge you a fee that is not outlined in your lease.