Tenant Property Damage Claim


In Arizona, landlords can withhold security deposits for unpaid rent, damages beyond normal wear and tear, and cleaning. If damages exceed the deposit, you can send a demand letter outlining the costs. If they dont pay, you can sue in small claims court for up to $10,000. The form you need is called a Civil Complaint form, available on the Arizona Judicial Branchs website. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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Hello ****, could you please provide more details about your issue with your landlord? Also, could you let me know your location as laws can vary by region?
Az. Tenant abandoned property with a mouse infestation, wantin damage throughout. Damages will exceed $10k. How much co.pen
In Arizona, landlords can withhold security deposits for unpaid rent, damages beyond normal wear and tear, and cleaning. If damages exceed the deposit:
- You can send a demand letter outlining the costs.
- If they don't pay, you can sue in small claims court for up to $*,*.
Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
Compensatory damages should i sue form
In Arizona, you can sue for compensatory damages in small claims court. The form you need is called a "Civil Complaint" form. You can find it on the Arizona Judicial Branch's website. Please consult a local attorney for detailed advice.