Eviction Laws In Minnesota


In Minnesota, a new tenant cannot move into a unit before an eviction is completed. Property owners can ask anyone to leave their property, but cannot use threats or force. Property managers can initiate evictions if authorized by the owner, but court approval is required. A mother and son can share a hotel room unless hotel policy states otherwise. Hotel managers can evict guests if authorized. Eviction laws require written notice, court orders, and prohibit forceful removal of tenants or belongings.

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Can someone legally move into my unit before an eviction
Hello ****, while I can provide general legal information, the specific laws vary by location. Could you please tell me where you are located?
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- A new tenant cannot legally move into your unit while an eviction case is pending.
- The eviction process must be completed and the unit vacated before a new tenant can move in.
This is based on Minnesota Statute 504B.*.
Can someone tresspass someone without cause
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- A property owner can generally ask anyone to leave their property for any reason.
- However, they cannot make threats or use force to do so.
- If the person does not leave, they could potentially be charged with trespassing.
This is based on Minnesota Statute *.*.
Can a manager evict someone from their unit or does it have to be the owner?
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- A property manager can initiate the eviction process if they have been authorized by the property owner.
- However, the final eviction order must be approved by a court.
This is based on Minnesota Statute 504B.*.
Can a mother and son live in a hotel room together
Hello ****. Generally, there are no legal restrictions preventing a mother and son from sharing a hotel room. However, hotel policies may vary. It's best to check with the specific hotel.
Can a hotel manager evict someone or does it have to be the owner of the property
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- A hotel manager can evict a guest if they have the authority to do so.
- Depending on the hotel's policy, this authority may be delegated by the owner.
- Evictions must be done in accordance with applicable laws.
This is based on Minnesota Statute *.*.
What is the eviction law?
Hello ****. In Minnesota:
- Landlords must give written notice before eviction.
- Notice period depends on the lease violation, generally between *-30 days.
- Eviction must be court-ordered.
- Landlords cannot forcefully remove tenants or personal belongings.
This is based on Minnesota Statute 504B.* and 504B.*.