Rental Property Damage Costs


In Idaho, landlords are responsible for maintaining rental properties but can charge tenants for repairs if the damage is due to tenant negligence. Normal wear and tear is the landlords responsibility. For specific items like a couch, if the damage exceeds normal wear and tear, the landlord may charge for repair or replacement. Always review your lease agreement for detailed terms. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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If something breaks in a rental house can the landlord charge you full price to fix it?
Hi ****, could you please tell me your location? Landlord-tenant laws can vary greatly depending on the region.
In Idaho, landlords generally have the duty to maintain the rental property. However, if the damage is caused by the tenant's negligence, the landlord may charge for repairs. Here are some points:
- The landlord is responsible for wear and tear.
- If the tenant causes damage, the landlord can deduct repair costs from the security deposit.
Please consult with a local attorney for more specific advice.
What if it is a couch?
In Idaho, if the couch was damaged beyond normal wear and tear due to your negligence or misuse, your landlord may have the right to charge you for repair or replacement. Always check your lease agreement for specifics.