Eviction Notice Legal Requirements


In Illinois, a landlord must provide a written notice of termination. Tenants have 5 days to pay overdue rent. If not paid, the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit. Seek local legal advice for personalized assistance.

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Hello I am getting evicted and my Lane I have court today my landlord told us not to come and we didn't but she said she would give us a month but then she came back and said we only have two weeks to pay up everything and we are really in need of help
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To better help you, could you please provide your location? Eviction laws can vary widely depending on where you live.
Rantoul Illinois
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Illinois:
- A landlord must provide a written notice of termination.
- You have 5 days to pay overdue rent.
- If not paid, the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit.
Please seek local legal assistance.