Landlord Tenant Rights Violation


Landlords cannot deny tenants access to essential services like water and electricity or lock them out of essential areas like the kitchen or bathroom. If this occurs, tenants should contact a local tenants rights organization or a lawyer for assistance.

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Ok my family and I won our eviction now the landlord is stopping us from having access to the kitchen and bathroom and is turning the power and water a way to force me and my disabled mother in law out what can i doabout this
Hello Jennifer, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To help you better, could you please tell me where you are located?
Lexington county West Columbia SC
Hello Jennifer, based on your location in Lexington County, South Carolina, here are some general legal points:
- Landlords cannot deny you access to essential services like water and electricity.
- They also cannot lock you out of essential areas like the kitchen or bathroom.
You may want to consider contacting a local tenant's rights organization or a lawyer for assistance.
Ok thank you very much
You're welcome, Jennifer! If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help!