Landlord Tenant Disputes


The user, a mobile home owner in New York, is experiencing issues with her landlord who refuses to communicate and sends tree cutters to her property without notice. The landlord insists they can enter the rented land whenever they want. The user has attempted to address the issue through calls and text messages but has received no satisfactory response. She has been advised to send a formal written complaint to the landlord, consult with a local attorney or legal aid service, and contact the New York State Attorney Generals office or a local tenants rights organization. The user also has concerns about eviction server fees and wants them to match the lease agreement. She has paid her rent to avoid eviction.

Full Conversation

Nice to meet you, Megan. Could you please describe the legal issue you're facing?
Own mobile home and landlord refuses to take my calls and send tree cutters to my home early mornings without notice.
What state are you located in, Megan? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding your rights as a mobile home owner.
New york
What specific actions have you taken so far to address this issue with your landlord?

In New York, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your property.
Attempted to call and received text message stating they own land and can do as they please
What was the exact content of the text message you received from your landlord?
Tree crew can go on your lot. You own your home, we can't go in your home. We own the lot and they can come on your lot.
Have you documented these incidents and kept a record of your communication with your landlord?

- In New York, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your property.
- For court-related matters, contact New York City Civil Court: (*) *-*.
What is the frequency of these disturbances and have you informed any local authorities about this issue?
First time was when they cut the bush down last year, second time was earlier this year, then this morning.
Have you considered sending a formal written notice to your landlord about these disturbances?

- In New York, written communication can serve as evidence in court.
- Nearest court: New York City Civil Court, Contact: (*) *-*.
I have called and texted her
Have you considered seeking legal advice or representation to address this issue? In New York, tenants have the right to quiet enjoyment of their property.
Thats why im messaging you
Have you sent a formal written complaint to your landlord about these disturbances? In New York, it's important to have written records of such issues.
No, only by text.
Have you considered sending a certified letter detailing your complaints? This can serve as legal proof of your attempts to resolve the issue.
That's a good step. Have you already sent the certified letter or are you planning to do so?
What is the content you're planning to include in the certified letter? In New York, it's crucial to clearly state your grievances and request for remedial action.
Requesting * hour notice when someone will be on my lot
Have you consulted with a local attorney or legal aid service about your situation? In New York, tenants have the right to quiet enjoyment of their property.
Have you considered contacting the New York State Attorney General's office or a local tenant's rights organization for assistance?
You can contact the New York State Attorney General's office at (*) *-* or a local tenant's rights organization like Met Council on Housing at (*) *-*.
What are my rights?
In New York, as a mobile home owner:

- You have the right to quiet enjoyment of your property.
- Landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your property.
- Written communication can serve as evidence in court.

For further assistance, contact New York City Civil Court: (*) *-*.
Is property land if rented?
Yes, even if you're renting, the land is considered property. However, the ownership belongs to the landlord.
If landlord owns land do they have to inform me when entering?
If I rent land, does the landlord need to inform me before entering?
Yes, in New York, landlords are generally required to provide reasonable notice before entering a tenant's property.
Is rented land considered tenants property?
No, rented land is not considered the tenant's property. The tenant has the right to use the land, but the ownership remains with the landlord.
If the landlord owns land can they enter it when they want?
In New York, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering the tenant's rented space, even if they own the land.
Does this include the landm
Could you please clarify your question? Are you asking if the landlord's requirement to provide notice includes the land around your mobile home?
Can a landlord cut trees without notifying the tenant?
In New York, landlords generally need to provide reasonable notice before entering a tenant's rented space, which includes the land around your mobile home.
What could I do if I wasnt notified?
You can send a formal written complaint to your landlord and consider contacting a local tenant's rights organization or the New York State Attorney General's office.
How to contact attorney general?
You can contact the New York State Attorney General's office by calling (*) *-* or visiting their website at
Local tenants rights organizations
You can reach out to the Met Council on Housing at (*) *-* or visit their website at
Can I sue the park for this violation?
Yes, you can potentially sue for violation of your rights as a tenant. However, it's advisable to consult with a local attorney or legal aid service first.
Is the land I rent considered my property in New York State?
No, the land you rent is not considered your property in New York State. You have the right to use it, but the ownership remains with the landlord.
If the landlord owns the land and I own the house can they come on my land when they want?
In New York, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your rented space, even if they own the land. This includes the land around your mobile home.
Could you please clarify your question?
What is considered reasonable notice?
In New York, "reasonable notice" is typically considered to be * hours. However, the exact definition can vary depending on the circumstances and the terms of your lease agreement.
What if I do not receive notice.
If you don't receive notice, you can document the incident and consider filing a complaint with local authorities or a tenants' rights organization.
Tenant rights organization in buffalo mew york
You can contact the Western New York Law Center, a tenant rights organization in Buffalo, at (*) *-* or visit their website at
No my manager is refusing to take phone calls from me
What is the reason your manager is refusing to take your calls? Is it related to your previous legal issue with your landlord?
She doesnt like my tone and wants texts only but doesn't respond
What state are you in? Different states have different laws regarding landlord-tenant communication.
New York
What is the specific issue you're facing with your landlord?

In New York, landlords are required to maintain a safe and habitable housing condition for tenants.
Refuses to take phone calls Refuses to take me off email list and cuts trees on my lot without notice early morning.
What is the nature of the emails you're receiving and have you formally requested to be removed from the email list?

In New York, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering a tenant's property.
Park communication and billing and I have asked to be removed more than once
Have you documented your requests to be removed from the email list? In New York, it's important to have written proof of such requests.
What actions have you taken regarding the unauthorized tree cutting on your property?
I asked for a notice as I own my house and rent the land of a mobile home park and was told they can when they want
What is the exact wording of your lease agreement regarding property alterations or maintenance?
The park is responsible and charges fees based on variable causes
What does your lease agreement say about the park's right to enter your property and make alterations without notice?
What steps have you taken to address these issues with your landlord or the park management?
Called and messaged
What was the response from the park management when you raised these issues?
They own the land and can enter when they want
Have you considered seeking legal advice or representation to address these issues with your landlord?
What is the name of the mobile home park where you rent the land?
Ridgeview Properties
What is the exact issue you want to resolve with Ridgeview Properties?
I want a * hour notice before doing work on my lot, especially early morning. I also want my server fee to match the lease.
What does your lease agreement say about the server fee and the notice period for property maintenance?
* dollar server fee plus * for each additional person served and nothing on notice.
What does "server fee" refer to in your lease agreement?
Eviction server
What is the reason for the eviction server fee? Are you currently facing eviction proceedings?
Late rent payment
What steps have you taken to address the late rent payment issue?
Paid the rent
What was the response from your landlord after you paid the rent?
Nothing was a 30 day pay or quit notice
What actions have you taken since receiving the *-day pay or quit notice?
Paid the rent
What was the landlord's response after you paid the rent within the *-day notice period?
What is the current status of your eviction proceedings?
No longer existent as rent was paid
What is your next step now that the eviction proceedings are no longer in place?
File complaints on park
What specific complaints do you want to file against the park?
Refusal to take calls from tenant and to give notice when entering lot
What specific actions have you taken to document these issues with your landlord?
Quit repeating myself
What steps have you taken to formally file these complaints against the park?
What is the exact wording in your lease regarding the park's right to enter your property?
Is the land around my mobile home my proper3
What does your lease agreement say about the ownership and use of the land around your mobile home?
Park owns land I rent land
What does your lease agreement say about the park's right to make alterations or perform maintenance on the land you rent?
They reserve the right to
What specific alterations or maintenance does your lease agreement allow the park to perform on the land you rent?
Whichever they prefer
What does your lease agreement say about the notice period for these alterations or maintenance?
What is the exact wording in your lease regarding the park's right to enter your property?
Cant enter owned home
They can only enter leased or rented homes
What actions have you taken regarding the park's entry into your property without notice?
Contacted manger
What was the manager's response when you contacted them about the park's entry into your property without notice?