Kansas Eviction Notice Guidelines


A 14/30 eviction notice in Kansas means you have 14 days to correct the issue or 30 days to vacate. Noncompliance may lead to a lawsuit. Seek legal advice if the eviction seems unfair.

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I've recently been evicted for a incident that happen at my residence that I had nothing to do with
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your eviction. To better assist you, I need to know your location. Also, did you receive a proper eviction notice from your landlord?
Kansas and I got a */* eviction notice
Hello ****, here's some general legal information about eviction notices in Kansas:
*. Your notice is a */*, which means you have 14 days to correct the issue or 30 days to leave.
*. Noncompliance beyond 14 days may result in a lawsuit.
*. You may seek legal aid.
For specific advice, consider consulting a local attorney.
*/* eviction notice on month to month
Hello ****, in Kansas, a month-to-month tenant can be given a */* notice for any reason. It's vital to:
*. Correct the issue within 14 days or vacate within 30 days.
*. Seek legal advice if you believe the eviction is unfair.
*. Understand that failure to comply may result in a lawsuit.